[center][h3][i][color=skyblue]Kendra Serrana[/color][/i][/h3][/center] Kendra acquired as much privacy as she could to sleep, which admittedly wasn't much, but she had difficulty sleeping easily among strangers. Difficulty sleeping peacefully at all, lately. She dreamed of an endless night sky blanketed with distant stars, impossibly vast and empty and cold. Despite the stars it all seemed so terribly, terribly dark. The chill of it cut right through her, though it was nothing next to the feeling of falling, plummeting endlessly. She wanted to scream, but there was no air in her lungs. She tried to reach out for something, anything to grab on to, but there was nothing within a thousand miles. Kendra woke in a cold sweat, breathing heavily, sometime before the sun came up. Her hand gripped the handle of her dagger tightly, her knuckles bone-white. [color=skyblue][i]I'm trying,[/i][/color] she thought, as she got up and gathered her things. [color=skyblue][i]But you haven't exactly given me much to work off of.[/i][/color] She pulled on her jacket, shimmering amethyst in color, a tough but flexible leathery material, and then her heavy cloak over it. After securing a quick breakfast for another silver piece, she headed outside into the cold. It felt like the sweat on her cheeks was going to snap freeze, and a sting managed to reach her eyes. Kendra endured it, found a spot of privacy, and with basic magic cleaned herself up, put her appearance back together, removed all trace of any rough night. By the time she returned, walking tall and calmly, the rest of her group had assembled. [color=skyblue]"If you're all finished, we should get moving."[/color]