[center][h1][color=ad4e92]H[/color]OSHINO [color=ad4e92]N[/color]ORIAKI[/h1][/center] [table][row][/row][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/0eEnTTQ.jpeg[/img] [center][color=#2e2c2c]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][/center] [color=ad4e92][sub][b]D A T E[/b][/sub][/color][hr][sub]April 11th 2018[/sub] [color=ad4e92][sub][b]L O C A T I O N[/b][/sub][/color][hr][sub]Residential Kyoto[/sub] [color=ad4e92][sub][b]T A G S[/b][/sub][/color][hr][sub][@Hero][/sub][/cell][cell][indent]It was difficult to talk to this kid, in truth. Noriaki couldn't decide whether it was because his atrophied social skills made the long pauses between her words all the more poignant, or because she had a habit of poking at his wounds with those words when they finally came out. Maybe he was just still raw, but he had spent a long time coming to terms with his flight from Osaka and pushed many of the resulting thoughts on the matter to the side. He had done a great deal to try and clear the slate, but it seemed everyone around him wanted to drudge up that past. Still, he couldn't exactly rebuke the poor girl—she had been on the verge of bawling just ten minutes ago, and he didn't want to see those waterworks any more than he had to. [color=ad4e92]"Yeah, I guess I do,"[/color] He eventually decided, [color=ad4e92]"But it couldn't be helped. People have to move on. No point in lingering on the past."[/color] An ironic thing for him to say, seeing as though he was so wound in a knot over his own history. But, he could at least say with confidence that he had been trying to live up to that principle. Success was another story entirely, but he had been trying. [/indent][/cell][/row][/table]