[b]Kishimoto Arcade, Local Tournament.[/b] [@Dezuel] [@Crimson Lion] - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYWC0eqRFEM]Set your heart ABLAZE[/url] [indent][indent]There was a part of him that wanted to admit a well-kept secret. A secret that served only to harm him so far. It allowed insults to be smashed into him and disappointments to invade his very core. A few years back it even caused him to quit Nationals... And now, like so many times before--when he saw children truly in love with the sport, or being around Seo and his group while they formulated victories, even encountering that loud-mouth Guppy and being insulted by Char-chan--it breathed life-anew into his smoldering passion. Sometimes he could feel it growing, raging with his heartbeat. Whenever he did, Ryoichi slowed himself down and controlled his breathing. While Seo handed out instructions akin to "Do your jobs, Mercs." Ryoichi clasped his hand around his trembling fist till they stopped. [i]"No use in losing your cool. Get the job done with the least amount of effort."[/i] [i]"Inhale deeply, exhale just as long."[/i] Mostly composed, Ryoichi fixed a careless smile on his face and strode off to his spot at the table, "Consider the trash already bagged, Cap'n. Char-chan! lets have fun out there," he jested aloud, pumping his fist. "Fighting!" Digging in his plastic bag, beside the empty can of Pringles, he pulled out Gundam Baelstrom. A well-worn Gundam Testament painted gun-metal. It was heavy with memories and unspoken emotions. Ryoichi let the bag slip from his wrist and onto the floor. He placed Gundam Baelstrom onto the table, familiarized himself with the controls for the millionth time, and launched without a word when signaled. Per usual, the moment he entered onto the battlefield, all his senses were honed to a point and consumed by the overlays and screens in front of him. He was officially on the clock.[/indent][/indent]