[h1][center][color=beige]Kythor[/color][/center][/h1] Upon hearing Jitter's request to finish off what little soup he had left, Kythor shrugged and pushed the bowl towards him. [i][color=beige]"Finish it,"[/color][/i] he said. Shifting in his seat so one leg rested horizontally across his foot, Kythor leisurely sipped from his ale while he waited for Jitter to finish. Jitter, it seemed, was also concerned about the welfare of the chwinga. While Kythor himself couldn't say for sure whether or not Dannika Greysteel had evil intent with the chwinga and her research, he didn't see much point in thinking too much about it. [i][color=beige]"We're bein' paid to deliver a chwinga to her, and as far as I care, that's where it ends. We can sit here thinkin' about the 'what-ifs' or whether or not she's mistreating them 'til sundown, but at the end of the day it doesn't really change that much,"[/color][/i] Kythor explained. [i][color=beige]"As for how I'd feel if I was in it's seat... Well, for them, that's just life. At least we're merciful enough to the little guy to [/color][/i][color=beige]not[/color][i][color=beige] kill him once we've got him in our grasp. Really, better they run into us than a natural predator,"[/color][/i] Kythor chuckled. Admittedly, he wasn't thrilled with the prospect of taking a chwinga captive and delivering it to a human, but he [i]needed[/i] to restock everything he'd lost, and the only way he could do that was with money. Besides, so long as Dannika had no plans to abuse or mistreat it, Kythor saw no reason to object. Turning to face the others, he gave them a brief nod. [i][color=beige]"Looks like you two are ready to go,"[/color][/i] Kythor said. [i][color=beige]"Once Jitter finishes his breakfast, I suppose we'll all be ready to begin our trek. Hope the three of you don't mind a bit of walkin',"[/color][/i] he snickered. [i][color=beige]"Sounds like we've got a ways to go."[/color][/i] With that, Kythor slung off his backpack to double-check and make sure he had everything with him. He didn't imagine anybody had stolen anything from him, but better he make sure he has everything he needs before beginning their journey than realize he was missing something crucial halfway there.