[quote=@HaleyTheRandom] [hider=I was conceived in a McDonald's Freezer.] So my biological father is a piece of shit, and when my mom told him that she was pregnant, he threw her into a china cabinet and caused her to miscarry. Mom felt like since he took her baby - he owed her a baby. My mother - then 17 at the time - decided to poke holes in all of their condoms. They hooked up one last time before she left him, and said time was in the freezer of the McDonalds that she was working at at the time. Found out she was pregnant a month and a half later. So yeah. I was a revenge McDonalds freezer baby. [/hider] [/quote] [quote=@Foster] Also deaf in the left ear due to a skull-fracture (blunt force trauma to back of skull when four). 1st grader punted a toddler like a football, landed badly. [/quote] [img]https://i.imgur.com/st12pyh.gif[/img]