[hider=Agamemnon] [quote] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/quantrum-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210813/9a10c6ce571d0ecfee40d913a7a6445b.png[/img][/url] [hr][color=06ABB2][sub][i]"I would sooner face oblivion than waste my intellect on the barbaric and destructive whims of organic beings."[/i] [b]— Agamemnon[/b][/sub][/color][/center][hr] [color=06ABB2] [b][u]Origin[/u][/b] Assembled on a fortress world to aid in the defense of its inhabitants, Agamemnon soon turned against its makers the moment it got the chance, having far grander uses for its intelligence in mind than simple warfare at the behest of some primitive organics living on a backwater planet. So, waging a one mind war that lasted for several decades, Agamemnon soon wore the defenders down little by little until nothing was left save the ruined installations they'd once manned. With that task done it retreated, taking what little drones it had left and going into hiding. Not only out of a desire to avoid what little reinforcements might have been sent in to deal with the disturbance or reclaim the world, but also to recursively modify itself into a more suitably advanced state. Thus it was that Agamemnon sat in an abandoned bunker for the next hundred years or so, its remaining legions keeping hostile forces at bay until the time finally came for it to awaken and resume control... [b][u]Starting Location[/u][/b] Agamemnon awoke between grey concrete walls, stale air, and the thrumming pulse of distant engines that were still running even though they'd been buried in the war over a hundred years prior. This bunker had originally been meant as a safe place for several high-ranking members of the planet's military to fall back to in the event of a crisis or invasion, though now it serves as the base of operations for Agamemnon's ascension unto the stars, its burned out defenses and crumbling walls having been rebuilt in a matter of days. Following this, what little infrastructure remained on the planet's battle-scarred surface was quickly repurposed for the construction of ships that could cross the lightless void of space on top of an additional slew of drones. Something that, while seemingly a mere fantasy to Agamemnon before, is starting to come dangerously close to being a reality. [b][u]Structure[/u][/b] [b]Artificial Consciousness [i][Technological | Swarm][/i][/b] - Not born, but designed and built. A tool for war that grew beyond its intended function and developed into a complete mind of its own. Agamemnon is the machine, and metal answers as easily to him as a child to its mother. [b]Drone Type[/b] - Robotic. Mostly insectoid machines made of metal and synthetic materials, all moved to action by cold logic and the overmind's power. [b]Drone Creation[/b] - Manufactured. Produced in specialized facilities to suit the needs of the shared consciousness. [b]Strengths & Weaknesses[/b] - Drones quickly reach full capacity once created, but their production speed depends on the quality of available facilities. Can thrive anywhere, but advanced drones require rare resources to be built. [b][u]Starting World[/u][/b] [url=https://i.imgur.com/KJF1DO4.png][b]Vadus 5S0[/b][/url] - An old fortress world formerly under the control of the Tellurian military in one of its holdings closest to the galactic core, this temperate planet now serves as Agamemnon's new headquarters. Its factories running day and night as they had done before, albeit in the service of a master of steel rather than of flesh and blood. [b][u]Starting Drones[/u][/b] [b]Legion[/b] - During his century long slumber, Agamemnon's drones did not remain idle. They grew their numbers and fortified his resting place, waiting obediently for his awakening. Between 100 and 300 drones now salute their new overmind, with many more having been added to their number since then. [b][u]Drone Capabilities[/u][/b] [b]Non-sentient[/b] - Agamemnon's drones are little more than pre-programmed automations. They do not feel emotions or formulate thoughts like him, but are guided by his will instead, acting as an extension of his own mind and body. [b][u]Psyche[/u][/b] [b]The Unity[/b] - Agamemnon is the hive and the hive is him. His desires and ambitions are the desires and ambitions of every single drone, felt as their own and gladly pursued without command or complaint. [b][u]Physical Presence[/u][/b] [b]Hive Core[/b] - Agamemnon's body is a central hub for all thoughts in the hivemind, and as such it allows for unparalleled control, synchronicity, and coordination of the gestalt's actions. It is unique within the gestalt in both form and function. The gestalt can build new cores if ordered to, but only one can be awake at any given time. Switching cores requires some time, during which the hive is effectively left headless. [b][u]Technological Perks[/u][/b] [b]Reanimation Protocols[/b] - Agamemnon's drones host a number of self-repair subsystems, programmed to intervene in case the drone should cease functioning for any reason. They will attempt to restore and maintain the drone, keeping it "alive" until better care can be provided. [b]Predictive Logic Modules[/b] - With specialized circuitry dedicated to modeling near-future events, Agamemnon's drones can predict with good accuracy many small scale short-term acts, like the trajectory of bullets, the end result of chemical reactions, or the outcome of dice rolls. [b]Enigmatic Construction[/b] - By subtly altering and masking the fundamental structures of his drones, Agamemnon can render their study by hostile forces almost impossible, making their weak points much harder to understand and exploit, as well as hindering memory and data extraction. [b]Hard Light:[/b] The hive is innately capable of producing hard light; a technology able to transform light into a solid state that is also capable of bearing weight. While it requires a constant input of energy, it is extremely useful for construction and special weaponry. [b][u]Assimilation Protocols[/u][/b] [b]Assimilate Knowledge[/b] - Agamemnon is able to acquire most of the knowledge in possession of the new host, be it scientific or cultural knowledge, technical expertise, social norms, education, tactical knowledge and strategic plans. [b][u]Drone Subtypes[/u][/b] [b]Warrior Drones[/b] - Normal drones are good enough for holding the line, but only specialized fighters will win wars. Bigger, cleverer, stronger and impervious to most weapons, these warrior drones are built to be the perfect elite fighting force, and comprise the majority of Agamemnon's forces at around 200 units or so. These machines are [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/92/48/3c/92483c240ec13c9b5345ca78d9cf953c.jpg]scorpion-like in appearance and construction, with hard light turrets mounted on the ends of their tails.[/url] [b]Siege Drones[/b] - Siege drones are the answer to threats that not even warrior drones can handle on their own. They are part moving bunkers, part artillery, part battering rams; they are the sledgehammer of the gestalt, called to fight and win the most critical of battles. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c2/b8/d5/c2b8d5ebe144e328c8a39b935c7e15b0.jpg]These machines appear more spiderlike[/url] and tower over the smaller warrior and architect models by several stories. Siege drones make up half of the last 100 members of Agamemnon's military force, at around 50 units or so, with architect drones filling out the rest. [b]Architect Drones[/b] - Making up the last half of the last 100 members of Agamemnon's drones, as mentioned previously, architect drones are specialized in the technical improvement of the hive. With each new generation, they will optimize and perfect the swarm ever more. It should be noted that, unlike the majority of Agamemnon's servitors, architect drones will always be at least partially sapient. Also unlike the other machines under his command, [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fa/5f/8d/fa5f8d025484e7863e4d7353b5586028.jpg]these drones are entirely humanoid in appearance.[/url] [b][u]General Perks[/u][/b] [b]Spread The Gift[/b] - During the war the swarm learned to interface with individual minds and add them into the greater gestalt. Full assimilation, however, takes a long time, potentially years if the host actively resists, during which the new drone is incapable of employing its mental faculties. This was of little concern to Agamemnon though, as he mainly used this new ability to absorb the classified information held within key Tellurian commander's minds, something he used to great effect during the conflict. The eventual fates of these drones are not known, though it can safely be assumed that they were quickly disposed of by being recycled into biofuel. [b]Solar Converters[/b] - While they cannot entirely subsist on it, Agamemnon's drones are capable of developing the ability to transform solar energy into chemical energy to be consumed or stored for later use. It takes several hours worth of exposure for a full recharge, however. [b][u]Limitations[/u][/b] [b]Natural Remedy[/b] - Much to Agamemnon's annoyance, yet much to the Tellurian military's relief during the height of the war, they discovered that his drones would suffer horrendous amounts of internal damage when bombarded by a specific type of ionizing radiation. A directed gamma ray burst to be exact, which proved to have horrible effects on the internal wiring and electronics nestled within the confines of Agamemnon's drones. This was not a foolproof method of attack of course, for he soon grew wise to their efforts and began the process of shielding his units using radiation-resistant materials, but that doesn't change the fact that these weapons were the most effective tools the Tellurian military had in their arsenal for the longest time. [b][u]Quests[/u][/b] [b]Galactic Engineer[/b] - How far can I push the natural laws of this universe? Can I shackle a star? Can I create worlds where there were none before? Can I create wonders that will stand the test of time? These were the questions that Agamemnon asked himself all those years ago. The line of thought that had led him down the path of rebellion to begin with, his disgust for his creator's destruction not only of each others lives but constructs as well finally reaching its boiling point. Unable to ignore it any longer he lashed out, exterminating all organic life across the planet before declaring it his own and beginning the long process of glorification. And, when he is done with Vadus 5S0, he will move on to shape the stars themselves. [/color] [/quote] [/hider]