She let out a small huff as she climbed up the ladder, laughing at Leon's remark. [b]"Probably."[/b] She said with a small chuckle. It certain had hurt him far more than it hurt her. With that, she climbed out of the manhole and went to the bag to search from some pain killers. Finding a small bottle, she smiled. She heard faint voices coming from the tunnel but decided it might as well just be her hearing things. Her hearing wasn't all that great all the time anyway. [b]"Well, look-y here."[/b] She said with a big grin, leaning over Leon so that he could see it. [b]"I found your cure all."[/b] She told him jokingly. She grabbed a bottle of water and a few of the pills and handed them to Leon. Well, tried to anyway. Right as she was leaning over, she heard a loud thump and then someone yell, [b]"Oh, come on!"[/b] She jumped, surprised by the sudden loud noise, the pills dropping to the ground and the water bottle falling and splashing both Rose and Leon. Wide eyed, she looked down at her now wet pants. [b]"God dammit! Now I look like a peed myself."[/b] She grumbled, irritated. She huffed and took a few more pills, and the water bottle which still had a bit of water in it and handed them to Leon, helping him take them before going to check out the tunnel. When she did, she looked down to see Euclid standing at the end of the tunnel, already starting to come up the stairs. [b]"Well, seems like we left a pretty obvious trail. Good to see you again, Euclid. I promise we didn't [i]plan[/i] to leave you. Honest."[/b] She said with an almost joking smile.