[centre][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLjc1MTliMi5MaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1LjA/vtks-deja-vu.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLjc1MTliMi5WR2hoWkdSbGRYTS4w/vtks-rock-garage-band.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLjc1MTliMi5MaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1LjA/vtks-deja-vu.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/pbNSBhN/Thaddeus.png[/img] [color=920ee8][b]Status:[/b][/color] [color=C23F5B]Alive / Well[/color] [color=920ee8][b]Location:[/b][/color] [color=C23F5B]Outside the Tavern[/color] [color=920ee8][b]Response:[/b][/color] [color=C23F5B][@Redpandagamer][@Forsythe][@Kumbaris][@Searat][@zanavy][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeeNxYqzePg]Theme Song[/url] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjYwLjc1MTliMi5MaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1TGk0dUxpNHVMaTR1LjA/vtks-deja-vu.regular.png[/img][/centre] [color=C23F5B][b]"You need not make your choice now, trust is something that comes with time for it is not something that can be rushed. But I must warn you, no one, and I mean absolutely no one touches this blade except for me. If one day you intend to put it to rest it will never leave my hand unless I am dead, so be prepared to fight me to the death."[/b] Thaddeus was deathly serious, his voice was steady and there was no loss of conviction in his words, he was more than ready to die for this sword. [centre][img]https://i.ibb.co/184FVX5/Jeha8-Pk-JWDt-Ilge-Bws-DH4q-I6-NZjj3-Edl-Yd-MWc-BHWr-QE.jpg[/img][/centre] The image would flash across his brain like a tidal wave surges across the open sea, that eye... that putrid eye that would haunt him for the rest of his existence. Just thinking of it made his body shake with an anger that not many knew he even had. His hand would tighten unecassarily on the blade, his eyes would glow deeply under his sunglasses in cohesion with his anger. [centre][color=darkgreen][i][b]"Your anger amuses me boy, do you truly believe a half mesmer whelp such as you could ever strike me down? I suppose there is one way you might, but the question is... are you willing to go that far for this trash you call family? You can chase me for eternity but the only thing that is for certain is I will kill you, but only when you have suffered enough for my liking."[/b][/i][/color][/centre] Bastard... Thaddeus was lost in his own head again, however, that did not last long, the whole tense situation did not last long before it happened... [h1][color=gold][b]"DRAGON!!!!!"[/b][/color][/h1] The scream was so defeaningly loud that Thaddeus nearly jumped it being so damn sudden. Oh no, not now, they had to reach town now!? In the distance he could see Thomas making a full tilt run for the dragon. There was no way to mistakes his intent as anything more than pure joy and excitment however given the nature of things and what had just been happening he could not take that chance, not with his son. Damn it, was this boy afraid of anything?! He supposed that was his fault but still, Thaddeus would quickly depart from his spot in the blink of an eye and cover the distance between Pyrona and Thomas within seconds and without hesitation he would slide around the boys back and give him a quick but very deliberate and aimed strike to the back of his neck knocking him out almost effortlessly. Falling foreward his eyes rolled back in his head Thaddeus caught Thomas in his arms gently and would toss the young boy over his shoulder holding onto his legs. Yeah it was painfully obvious this had not been the first time he had done this to him. [color=gray][b]"Damn Captain, you ain't dun him like that since that incident involving the bandits and their Griffin.[/b][/color] Malvo would come over the hill, thankfully the rest of the contigent was probably waiting in the town center, the last thing he needed was his men over reacting. Malvo on the other hand... [color=gray][b]"Is that... a ruddy dragon Capt'n... I thought the boy was yelling about something else.."[/b][/color] Malvo was greatly dumbfounded as he placed his hand on the left pistol criss crossed against his chest with leather straps. Thaddeus would quickly put his hand against Malvos, [b]"DON'T."[/b] Thaddeus was deadly serious, to the point where Malvo gulped, he had not seen the Capt'n this serious in a while and he didn't enjoy the experience when he did. [b]"Take Thomas and keep an eye on him, strap him to a bed if you have to, I will be leaving town for alittle bit to help Shina, Please take care of the deliveries and collection and we will have our celebration when I return."[/b] Malvo would merely shake his head in understanding and would take Thomas in his arms, turning he would begin to walk but would turn back around right quick: [color=gray][b]"Your going to explain this later right?"[/b][/color] Thaddeus would just nod as Malvo took the hint and disappeared back toawrds their caravan.[/color]