Adding some updates of the various departments in the city while I keep writing a post. In the meantime, I haven't thought too much about which guys would be elite. On a broader sense, Security Division is roughly split into two services (unofficially): city and wasteland. City guys generally handle stuff that you'd usually associate with guard duty or policing, their most dangerous focus probably gangs and tribes still in the city. Definitely not kick down the door in power armor type folks. Wasteland fighters are more akin to soldiers, although not organized or deployed in substantial formations or operating with a lot of defined doctrine and combined arms capability. A lot of these guys are more focused on seeking out and securing resources or assets and keeping trade routes clear. I'll have to do some more work on how they get around (mostly sea-based, I don't see vehicles being of much use on the shitty and ruined roads.) I'll also have to figure out stuff like power armor. Of the two, wasteland units are much more capable and tough. It often leads to a lot of interservice rivalry and jurisdiction issues when specific departments or precincts try to take on missions. Or are forced to, since the City kind of tosses SecDiv at problems that they don't know how to solve. Overall the vibe will probably draw much more from the NYPD than leftovers of the US Military. As a result, I think that New York will simply have more troubles adjusting to things outside of managing a very dense post apocalyptic city. But, that's the inherent thing about a city state... Probably not going to be rolling around with tanks and special forces and shit.