[@Forsythe] [@Ozzy Cross] [@Zanavay] Shina was elbow deep in one of her trunks, getting her blades and her favourite weapon of choice, her bow. She grabbed an empty satchel and filled it with some rolls, apples and filled up her waterskin to add to the rations. [color=green] 'OK is that everything?...probably? Ugh am I being rash here, is it really necessary to bring all these people with me on a journey I don't even know myself how long it will take? But Guan would come for me...I know he would. Right Lapoo? [/color] Lapoo just circled and squeaked cheerfully, Shina wished she could have the care-free nature of her squirrel. That soon stopped though when Lapoo came to the door and let out a couple of nervous squeaks. [color=green] 'Ugh, what is it NOW!? [/color] Shina grabbed her gear and locked the workshop door. She saw from across her that the once calm Thaddeus had become quite a different person. She rarely saw Thaddeus loose his cool but when he did....she knew she had to get in this quickly! She ran over, satchel and weapons dropped at the tree and walked over to Thaddeus and the dragon... [color=green] 'Ok ok let's calm down. Thaddeus this isn't like you to get so riled up, I don't know how you came across your hilt but we need to put this all aside, for now. [/color] She stepped close to Thaddeus and touched him gently on the arm [color=green] 'We need to find Guan remember? I can't do that if one of my closest allies is turned to ash; [/color] Suddenly she heard the familiar voice of Thomas, who had obviously also spotted the dragon. But before Shina could call out to him Thaddeus had already knocked his son cold. [color=green] 'Woah! Careful Thaddeus, he IS your son afterall!' [/color] Shina knew he was looking out for his son's safety, still, she felt sorry for the poor boy. One of Thaddeus' crew, she couldn't remember the name, had also joined the scene. He looked as dumbfounded as the boy when eyeing the dragon. Shina felt a little better that she wasn't the only one who felt nervous around these magical beasts. Turning back to Thaddeus, Shina wanted to just get this journey started, before people were killing each other! [color=green] 'Right, well I think we better get going, we want to make good headway before dark. Thaddeus, can we use one of your wagons to make the trip?' [/color] She look to the dragon...[color=green] 'Umm...will you be staying as your true form or as a human? Just so I know if we'll have enough room. I mean if you would prefer to fly above us that would give us an advantage, however, you might also attract unwanted attention.' [/color]