Karnoc had been caught up in an exchange of intense gunfire with several of the drell when a voice came to his side. "Get down, Mr. krogan!" A biotic blur crossed his vision followed by a spectacular visceral explosion, red mist and gibbets of gore and charred composite materials splattered into the krogan's armour, prompting him to take cover and try to clear his helmet's lenses. "Ugh. Who or what was that?" he demanded to no one in particular. Someone on his team had sacrificed themselves to save him from some kind of explosive, which only invigorated Karnoc to fight these damned drell harder. Having enough vision returned, he sprung up, ready to begin firing when something peculiar happened... The drell were all laid out on the ground, comatose, as if their puppet master snipped their strings and decided they weren't fun to play with anymore. "Huh." Karnoc muttered, shaking his head as the rest of the team hurried along to take care of the drell. He instead went to the large chunks of his dead comrade in arms and began to search the body. He recognized the armour as belonging to one of the human males in the squad, but the name eluded him. By chance, he happened across the charred but miraculously still mostly intact dog tags about what must have been his upper torso and plucked it free. "Bauer." Karnoc read with a nod. "Thanks. I'll make sure your clan knows of your sacrifice." Yelling and screaming drew the krogan's attention and ire and he looked up to see the distraction team running full bore to escape from something. Within a few moments, that something turned out being a Collector. Karnoc had never seen one of the bastards in person, let alone fight them, but he heard stories. "You are one ugly-" he growled before stopping, the buzzing sounds of seeker swarms filling the air. "Shit." Bolting away towards hard cover, Karnoc found a metallic scrap of some ancient vessel and pried off as large of a sheet of metal as he could and reinforced his fortification and shields as he held the metal as more of a visual barrier and deterrent than an actual bit of protection against the swarm. Ugly flying bugs caught his eye as they washed over and around him and the others on the team, their attempts to break through at the flesh beneath layers of armour and shields feeble but ultimately worrying as bit by bit they were wearing it down. As soon as it began, it stopped. It wasn't like the reports from the Collectors hitting human colonies where a giant ship and an army of the alien bugs had a seemingly infinite supply of seekers; it was likely a small collection belonging to one or more individual leaders. That meant its focus was limited, as were its resources. It was time to hunt. Karnoc looked down at the Ranger tag hanging from his Striker and grinned. The dumb dog would have fearlessly run into this Locust and took what it wanted. He decided that the Locust's head was going to be mounted in the canteen when they got back. Swapping to his Graal, the Krogan tossed the sheet of worn out metal aside and held down the trigger, lining up sights with the torso of the Collector as the thresher maw-slaying metal spike was fabricated within the weapon. The weapon recoiled significantly as it fired its payload, the report from the shot ringing off of the hulls of the ships around them with a deafening boom. He strode towards the Collector, firing shots as fast as the weapon could product them as he closed the distance with the beast. He laughed the entire time.