[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjcyLjAwMDAwMC5VblZrYjJ4d2FDQkJaRzF2YzNNLC4w/motherva.light.png[/img][/center][hr]Tags: [@Kumbaris][@Goldeagle1221][@RedPandaGamer][@Forsythe][@Ozzy Cross][@ArmorPlated][hr] The wizard gave the town's local smith an appreciative nod as she offered him a seat but opted to keep his distance away from the dragoness while they discussed the search and rescue of Shina's friend. Even in after knowing she held no ill will toward the town, he still felt extremely uneasy around her and opted to keep his disposition guarded and ready to act. A peculiar shapeshifter made herself known to the sailor who frequented the cozy little town when he had the chance. Things went south rather abruptly then and there. Taarah looked like she was a moment's notice from torching the inn after hearing the sailor's mention of fighting a dragon before. A breath got caught in his throat. Rudolph's senses heightened in a split second of the event. Any moment now, the fight between the mesmer sailor and the dragon would break out. Knots formed in his stomach as he felt as if he was back in the ancient ruins of Mul-Tohdir. Never again. He needed to get out of the immediate location as soon as he possibly could...but what of the others? He couldn't allow the events of Mul-Tohdir to occur again. All his friends gone in an instant. He couldn't possibly reach the others in time before it was too late. They were too close to the dragon and the mesmer. He could only hope that they had the sense to leap out of the nearest window and run as fast and as far as they could. Though Minnow would prove to be a problem as TOM was one of her prides and joys and she wouldn't let Thaddeus fight the dragon alone while she still had broom handle at hand. He'll just have to apologize to Minnow on a later day. If she doesn't decide to kill him that is. Firmly grasping her by the shoulders and focusing his magics to his arms, he casts a spell to greatly enhance his physical abilities. [color=steelblue]"Sorry, Minnow."[/color] He said with an apologetic smile on his face before tossing the elf woman out of the window he came from as gently as he could...and straight into the decorative boxwood shrubbery outside. Not long after he too leapt out of TOM and [url=https://tenor.com/bdtOX.gif]ran as fast as his physically enhanced body could[/url] all the way back to his tower to prepare for the fallout of the rumble between the dragon and the mesmer sailor...and maybe also keep away from a likely furious night elf armed with a broom handle.