[center][i]Your life is over. Your life has begun. Your "self" has ended. Yourself has begun.[/i][/center] Words echoed in the dark as a girl was ripped from home and hearth, and deposited onto the cold stone. Or rather, it was as if she had always been there, lying comfortably upon a bed fit for a statue, or perhaps a very wealthy ancient ruler with a tomb fit to lie upon for eternity. ...Of course, the chill and hardness of it also meant that after consciousness was gained, discomfort replaced that sensation. Footsteps could be heard approaching as well, along with the sliding of stone. The dark of this place was nearly impossible to see through, but with each movement of stone a tiny bit of light would shine in...and the silence after each movement would soon be exstinguished by the rhythm of an ongoing conversation. [b]"Are you sure this is the right place? It was crawling with undead...doesn't quite seem like the kind of place some heroine from another time is going to be,"[/b] a man's voice said, sounding a bit tired and insistent. [b]"That would be because of the curse placed upon it. We couldn't risk graverobbers stumbling upon our champion and plundering the Pillar of Worlds. It only works once, and if some plucky bandit dropped it, our last contingency would be shattered to pieces. Or worse,"[/b] a stern, mature woman's voice would say, dry of mirth and emanating a tone of being "all business". [b]"...Noted,"[/b] the male voice would respond. [b]"...It would seem we were a moment late. Our ward has awoken,[/b] the woman spoke again before the light clack of her shoes echoed across the stone floor. Followed closely behind, the man's footsteps were heavy and metallic, sounding like he was wearing some metal boots or armor. As our heroine's eyes adjusted to the light, she'd see that the woman [url=https://i.imgur.com/f7J4NBW.jpg]was anything but an ordinary sight, a vision of binary design in how her hair was split down the center, black versus white, with twin sets of horns of those two colors perched upon her head. A cape that matched trailed behind her, making her, quite literally, a living monochrome as she approached.[/url] The man following behind her was a tall figure, and [url=https://i.imgur.com/QyI3qft.png]possessed a head of hair that was grayish white, with a tanned complexion that stood out against his sterling white armor. And...pointed ears.[/url] Both would approach, with the elvish man lifting an eyebrow. [b]"...She's made of gold?"[/b] [b]"Yes. It would seem so. You must be confused, young lady...I am Gram. And...you are somewhere that you've never been. How do you feel?"[/b] she would ask, her tone dropping a bit of seriousness as she displayed concern, showing that she wasn't quite the icy bitch that one would imagine from her expression and manner of speaking.