[hider=Ranks of the Reiyk:] [b]Land:[/b] August - Commander in Chief Großfeldimperator - Generalfeldmarschall Feldimperator - Four Star General Legatus Senioris - Three Star General Legatus - Two Star General Legatus Leutant - One Star General Tribunus - Colonel Tribunus Leutant - Lieutenant Colonel Major - Major Großcenturius - Captain Centurius - Lieutenant Centurius Leutant - Second Lieutenant [b]Sea:[/b] August - Commander in Chief Großmareimperator - Admiral of the Navy Mareimperator - Four Star Admiral Legatus Senioris Marinus - Three Star Admiral Legatus Marinus - Two Star Admiral Legatus Leutant Marinus - One Star Admiral Tribunus Marinus - Commodore Tribunus Leutant Marinus - Captain Marinus Major - Commander Großcenturius Marinus - Lieutenant Commander Centurius Marinus - Lieutenant Centurius Leutant Marinus - Second Lieutenant [/hider] [hider=Naming Conventions of the Reiyk:] In the Reiyk, there are primarily given names and family names (vab _____) for males. These names are primarily drawn from Roman and Germanic influence. In the Reiyk, male children are given a middle, ordinal name. For instance, Julius Erstus vab Schipius is the firstborn son, and from the Schipius family. In keeping with their role within Reiyk society, women are not given their own names in the Reiyk, and are instead given the feminine form of the name of their [i]Pater[/i] along with ordinal name. Thus, the first daughter of Julius Erstus vab Schipius will be known as Julia Ersta vab Schipius. Erstus - First Zvetus - Second Drittus - Third Vertus - Fourth Funtus - Fifth Sechstus - Sixth Situs - Seventh Actus - Eighth Nentus - Ninth Zhentus - Tenth In case it wasn't obvious enough the Alfheicher are awful. [/hider] Some more Reiyk terminology: Reiyksvahrus - Wehrmacht. Maresvahrum Reiyk - Navy Luftvahrus - Air Force. Excheertio Reiyk - Heer. Magniimperium Reiyksvahrus - OKW. Frumenti - Gestapo Fuhrikssoldaten - SS.