Oh... hm. Okay, I think it's time to talk about one of the secrets I have been keeping from you, since this is the point where your input actually starts to be rather relevant in how this is done. You may have noticed how, when Nigel and Torquil used the lantern and went to the Hunter's Dream, that I included a part in the posts of them arriving that went: [img]https://i.imgur.com/jotfnlR.png[/img] [I][color=black]With a little text describing them sensing something odd here.[/color][/i] This, I may as well clue you in on, is a consequence of them being [b]false[/b] Paleblood Hunters; certain conditions will trigger events signified by that message, and one of those events happens to have been triggered on them going through the lantern to the Hunter's Dream. OOC, what happens in practice is this: I have made a small application that I have, and when the event triggers, I click a button and the application randomly chooses one of more than seventy outcomes of that event. Technically speaking this happens through several layers of RNG in the background, with different likelihoods of different outcomes, but you don't really have to worry about that. All you need to know is that I made this to essentially place the results of these events outside even my own control (aside from me having decided the odds for each outcome and the list of outcomes to choose from) and make them truly random. With Nigel, the application returned: [HIDER=Nigel's consequence][img]https://i.imgur.com/7vMJZ2f.png[/img][/HIDER] For Torquil it was: [HIDER=Torquil's consequence][img]https://i.imgur.com/YlFVsx4.png[/img][/HIDER] But, here's the "but": some of these consequences involve physical changes to the characters' bodies, and one of those came up when I clicked in the application for Arcturus: [HIDER=Arcturus' potential consequence][img]https://i.imgur.com/bdmFqM2.png[/img][/HIDER] Now, I know that some players are highly invested in their characters' appearance, which is why I am now telling you all of this. I want to give you the option, at least for these particular results of the event, to veto the outcome if such a change hinders your enjoyment of the RP. So... there. For DrabberRogue, I'd like to explicitly ask whether he is okay with something as described in the screenshot happens to Arcturus, and for everyone else, if the event triggers for your characters and results in physical changes to your character, always remember that you have the option to veto. If you (any of you) reject the outcome of the event, I will simply click the button again and have it select a different outcome.