[sup][h1][center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/868848204068814850/870423883856093234/Cap.png[/img][/center][b] [color=Black] COMING TO AMERICA: GUEST APPEARANCE[/color] [color=red]COMING TO AMERICA: GUEST APPEARANCE[/color] [/b][/h1][/sup] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/267065033480077312/876149567257718865/unknown.png[/img] Bruce Banner looked at the scanner in his hands. Trans-dimensional theory wasn't exactly his area of expertise, but Gamma was and whatever the entity had used to break through the dimensional barrier had created the brieftest of Gamma Spikes, and that was something that he could track. He sighed as he walked into the bar. Bruce didn't like the city very much, infact he actively tried to avoid them whenever he possibly could. Gamma Base, deployment and maybe the occasional visit to the Helicarrier or Triskellion. That was enough civilisation for him. He had a bad habit of breaking civilisation whenever he went too it. Stopping outside of a bar, Bruce shrugged as he pushed his way in. The scanner pointed him towards a tall long-haired blonde man. Raising his voice above the din, he projected it through the bar. [color=#2A9300]"My name is Doctor Bruce Banner. Everyone but the blonde leave the bar."[/color] The toughest of bikers had their eyes go wide at the mention of his name, as they all stood up just abandoning their drinks. Some risked going past him out the front door, careful not to touch him or barge past him. Others rushed through the back and out the door. The Bartender was last to leave, casting a cautious glance between the blonde man and Bruce, who walked round behind the bar. Grabbing a glass he pulled on the tap, filling it with beer and sliding it infront of the entity. He then pulled out a can of soda out of the fridge for himself, pulling the tab of the can open it with a crack-hiss. [color=#2A9300]"So your lack of reaction to my name lets me know that you aren't a regular visitor. Mind telling me who you are and what you're doing on my planet?"[/color]