[center][img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/654438713455149084/873479307715051540/image.png[/img] [sub][color=goldenrod]Interaction[/color] | Daphne AKA [@DreamingFlowers] Kassandra AKA [@Mistress Dizzy] [color=goldenrod]Location[/color] | Team Jet Returning To Sanctuary [/sub][/center][hr] Kilamanjaro hadn’t said a word since they took off to return to home base. He had done what Rain had commanded so far as placing the container on the jet. Along with the distraction that Aleen’a had given, he managed to fly to the roof and scoop up some members of Squad A to aid with extraction. Vicky had said nothing too, which got under Ja’s skin, making him anxious. He remembered that Djum Djum’s punishment did not happen when they failed the mission. It was when they returned home. Regardless, he currently had nothing else to do but hope Daphne got better. On that front, progress was slow. It didn’t feel like she was suddenly dying anymore, but she didn’t quite recover yet. Thus, Ja felt the urge to stay close by despite not knowing what she needed. It seemed that the cold was the main issue, so hopefully the blankets would help. Ja had long abandoned the mask to a counter on the jet, though his suit still took on something of a pale grey with brown spots. The guardian mentality of the German Shepherd remained in him but he had the feet of a fat-tailed gecko, using his palms to stick the roof above Nymph. He had watched after her for a bit, but eventually his eyes had closed. He kept quiet as he heard someone approach, though opposed to opening his eyes, the scent told him who it was. It was strange, the warmth he felt from Kassy’s presence, even before she said a word. When she spoke to Daphne just below, with words of comfort, Ja was sure he could understand why. On Kassy’s yelping interjection though, was when Ja’s eyes jutted open. Considering that she was looking up at him, he wondered if it was something he did. He quickly looked down(or up) at himself. Nothing seemed wrong…Though, then again, he took note of the color pattern his suit had taken on because of the gecko…Perhaps she did not see him. Her question made him pause. He wasn’t sure what exactly he was feeling. They all made it back alive and mostly unharmed, but his fear failed the team of their mission. All he had to do was keep from getting found, and he lost himself to memory when he felt Daphne in trouble. It surely wasn’t Daphne’s fault for their failure. From looking at her, the skin had become tree bark, her leaves browned and withered. Looking back, his senses were probably also trying to tell him fall and winter were coming, through her. Clearly, her powers were something that she just had to grow to understand, Ja supposed. The boy knew what that was like, despite it being a little while since he lost control. He would try his best to help her to control them, when the time was right… His mouth moved to answer, as he realized he was taking a while, but he caught movement below. Seeing Daphne move on her own to wave brought a small smile to his face. She was better…Sort of, her face was still stuck. He waved back to Daffy-Knee, and returned focus to Kassy sharing the smile with her too. [color=goldenrod]”I am okay…It was my fault that the alarms went off…”[/color] He admitted causing the brief glimmer in his eyes to falter, still trying to maintain a more mellow tone than monotone.