[Center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/28hFcDbZ/Rain-Header-2.png[/img][/center] [Color=silver][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Jet [Color=silver][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] The Team [hr] The view of the night sky helped Rain... No. It helped Viktor drown out some of the negative thoughts that tugged at him. Piloting the jet had been a decision made out of the need to distance himself, but he hadn't expected to feel so calm where he was. Maybe it was because he was in control, or perhaps it gave him a sense of solitude. The small exchanges that occurred behind him were mostly ignored. He heard them, but wasn't actually listening for substance. [color=ed1c24][b]"Mission Report."[/b][/color] Viktor couldn't help the sigh that escaped him. He was aware of the importance of an after-mission debriefing, but he was still bothered by the events that had transpired. Before he could address Talon, Zach handed him his bag he had requested. It came with a bit of snark and a compliment, but that was somewhat expected. [Color=silver]"Thanks."[/color] He simply said before setting the backpack down beside his seat. [Color=silver]"Mission Report. Squad B was tasked with conducting surveillance support to Squad A. Members included myself as command and control, Nymph on comms, Brightheart and Coal as overhead surveillance, and finally Gold Rush and Hex simply had eyes on the target facility from different vantage points. Comms were established by placing Nymph on the same channel as Squad A and remaining in the same position as myself. I made the decision to keep the rest of Squad B and myself on channel 2 so Squad A would only receive pertinent intelligence from me through Nymph. The mission progressed and Metamorph was investigating the unmanned vehicle. Myself and Brightheart had eyes on Metamorph and his surroundings for some time before I tasked Brightheart to conduct a brief overhead scan of the perimeter. While watching Metamorph, I spotted someone approaching from his blindside. I reported what I saw to Nymph who was behind a large boulder at our position. My message was not transmitted due to Nymph being incapacitated by her transformed body's prolonged exposure to low temperature…"[/color] He clenched his jaw before continuing his even-toned report to Talon. [Color=silver]"Metamorph never received the report in time and was spotted by the enemy. I had taken over comms for both squads that were on separate channels while Nymph's attempted to use my body heat to raise her core temperature. The alarms sounded and I ordered my squad and Metamorph who met Nymph and I at our position, to begin extraction. I wanted him to take Nymph, but she was… stuck clinging to me. I made the decision to remain on channel 1 to maintain comms with Squad A. It was during this brief time that Brightheart was spotted by the enemy and engaged by small arms fire. She retaliated by throwing the vehicle previously reported at the group of attackers before engaging them in hand-to-hand combat. Once your squad escaped the facility I carried Nymph with me to the jet. Brightheart followed..."[/color] He seemed to contemplate his next words before speaking again. He could have ended the report there. He [I]could[/i] have. [Color=silver]"Our two points of failure in this mission were caused by Nymph's lack of understanding of her own abilities and Brightheart's disregard of our objectives. Metamorph was spotted and likely the direct cause for the alarm, but that would have been prevented if Nymph reported her issues regarding the cold. Brightheart might need some education on the idea of a covert mission, but Nymph simply does not belong on this team and I'm sure even she would agree with that fact. Here is not the place to learn about what you're capable of. It's what you're capable of that puts you here. This isn't training anymore."[/color] He did not care how harsh he sounded or that the others could clearly hear him.