Nikita sat before Coulson, arms crossed defensively. It had taken everything in Daisy to haul her in. She wasn’t a troublemaker, necessarily. Just over enthusiastic to help in a situation not made for her, not willing to be held back. She hadn’t heard what she’d wanted in the discussion. [color=0072bc]“Kid, I can’t deal with your tantrums while we’re trying to save the world,”[/color] he attempted. Nikita didn’t offer a response. She was thinking about how much time was being wasted on this lecture that could’ve been better utilized with her helping the others. It was frustrating to continually be told she wasn’t ready but called in when it was convenient for them. [color=0072bc]“I’m not saying you won’t get there. You’re just not there [i]yet[/i],”[/color] Coulson added. [color=fff200]“I’m sorry,”[/color] Daisy apologized, she felt partially responsible. She knew she couldn’t be there all the time but it was clear Nikita needed more frequent guidance. [color=0072bc]“Don’t be. I like her spunk. As a matter of fact, I’m making her an agent. At least, for the time being,”[/color] Coulson said, nodding towards the teen. Nikita bolted upright in the chair. Daisy wasn’t sure she’d heard him correctly. [color=0072bc]“That’s right, you’re to be reassigned with Daisy. Your first mission is back on your home soil,” he confirmed. “Anderson, you’ll be joining them,”[/color] Coulson said, looking expectantly to the man leaning in the corner. Jason Anderson seemed just as surprised as the young women before him. [color=0072bc]“Here’s the file. Let’s revisit this after you’ve had some more experience under your belt, sound fair?”[/color] Coulson offered, dropping a hefty folder before the trio. [color=662d91]“Yes, sir,”[/color] Nikita answered triumphantly. It was time for a new adventure.