Tears running down his cheeks as he cried silently, Choros stood in the crowd among the others. He didn't bother to attempt to see what was happening, he just didn't have the will to try. He only half heard people speaking, the world seeming so far away as he whirled around in his own thoughts. He just didn't understand why they had to die, but he knew they were going to. He had known long before it had happened, and yet he had done nothing to stop it, believing that their sacrifice was a necessary evil. He had believed he couldn't do anything to truly stop it, or else face the consequences of many others dying instead. He had felt it was justified at the time, but now he only felt guilt and regret. He should have tried to save them, to find another way that would be possible to stop the Etherion, a way where nobody had to die. He wished he could go back in time to save them, but he knew that was impossible. He felt as if everything was his fault, as if he had practically killed them himself. He stood in his own dark world, so far away from everything around him. He didn't notice the people voting around him, he simply stood there, tears running down his face in the rain.