[right][b][h2][color=199f88]Molly West[/color][/h2][/b][/right] [hr] [i]BEEP BEEP BEEP[/i] [color=199f88]”Mmm…”[/color] [i] BEEP BEEP BEEP[/i] [color=199f88]Yeah yeah…”[/color] [i]BEEP BEEP[/i] [i]Click[/i] Molly smacked an alarm clock on her nightstand. It was 6:40 am, and the first day of her last year at Delbrook. She let out a yawn. And cracked the sides of her neck with a look that said “Fuck” all over it. Molly lay under what appeared to be a mound of blankets and pillows in her dimly lit room, almost too comfortable to leave, but today was a bit important as far as school days went. She stared up at her ceiling for roughly 3 minutes and 23 seconds in complete, silent, sagely contemplation of what today was going to be. [color=199f88]Well…Showtime.”[/color] In a whirling of legs and hair she threw herself upright and onto her feet. Then she sat back down on the bed after standing up to fast, vertigo’s a bitch, she thought. [color=199f88]”Okay, [i]now[/i] it’s showtime.”[/color] The next 30 minutes consisted of Molly fumbling through her closet looking for something decent and comfortable to wear, finding her left shoe, and turning up the volume on Spotify. She did all this while steadily blinking the sleep from her eyes, today was a relatively serious day, and she wasn’t about to get to school late. Not that she ever did, some days she got there before the lights were on. The Southern California sun was just barely peeking in, and the room hadn’t had time to warm up yet as a result. Molly was an early riser, typically good at getting at herself in the morning, though not necessarily waking up full of energy. Moments later she emerged from her twilit room in a tank top, a loose overshirt, and old sweatpants. A black Nike bag was slung over her shoulder full of scholarly jargon, some skating related gear, and an off brand Supreme hydro flask. In her other hand was her Old Reliable- a 9 inch skateboard with a heavily weathered underside, and a set of solid, cold stone gray 101a 60mm flat lipped wheels. The beast. Molly made her way down the hall of her house quietly, knowing someone might be asleep at home. She crept into the kitchen and made some toast to go with the Nutella that was calling her name. While she sat on the couch with a Stoned Jesus vibe playing on her Spotify, she started texting someone with one hand. A certain girl, her girl. Monserad! [b][indent][indent][indent]yes: Sup bb yes: laevign in5 yes: leaving yes: 5[/indent][/indent][/indent][/b] Much to her surprise, no one was home. On the fridge door was a note from her mother and father. [i]“We’re leaving early to get some logical things sorted out at the business gonna be closed today for it, just come home have fun at school”[/i] Logical things? The fuck? Probably some adult-y Squarespace Indeed something something stuff, she locked the door and dropped her board on the concrete outside her front lawn. The morning breeze was somewhat awakening for the girl. Molly liked it, good skating hours, too bad she had to go to school. One long winded push with her left foot, and her right foot set up for a reverse fakie stance, she was cruising down the hills every skater this side of the SoCal line bombed. That’s skater-lingo for riding down really big hills. The wind whipped past her hair, which fluttered like streamers as she soared down the miles long sidewalk alongside the streets of SoCal, a solid 23 mph. Several minutes, and a few ollies and power slides later, she swerved onto the school grounds with a pop of the board into her hand. Still got it. By now, others were starting to show up, and this year, she was one of the oldest kids in the schools. That felt weird to say the least, but it is what it is. Molly popped into the building like she owned the place, strolling through the halls with her head up in a confident atmosphere, After all, she knew this place pretty well. Maybe someone would catch notice of this and ask her for directions, she wouldn't mind. There it was, Miss Spanish Goldman's classroom, and a handful of people. She had this class last year, and Spanish seemed pretty important to her, given that the language somewhat ran in her family. However, she needed it for two years, so now she could finish it. That was fine with her. [color=199f88]"Yeah- Hey Goldie."[/color] She did that little kindergarten maneuver on her students last year too, she didn't quite get it but Goldman was...scholarly like that, as Molly'd put it. Lots of MLAs and hand cradles and other big brain stuff. She listened to Goldman’s speech for a bit until it was time to line up like kindergarteners again. Molly liked her, she was always a pretty good teacher, really chill about things. Moreover, she had a sense of humor, unlike a lot of the teachers here. Molly left with her board, leaving her stuff in the safety of Goldman’s room. Knowing they’d be outside, she could just cruise around until someone stopped her. But she wasn’t necessarily just cruising around aimlessly, she was more or less waiting on Monse, trying to find where she might’ve gone. Maybe she snuck off for some puffs without her, hopefully not. [color=199f88]”Where’d you go, hmm.”[/color] She wondered while she breezed around everyone on the concrete looking for her girl. [right][b][h2][color=781fff]Nora Gales[/color][/h2][/b][/right] [hr] Nora was already awake. She had woken up unusually early today, presumably because it was an important day. The sun was already pouring into her room through the edges of the curtains when she turned the lights on. Her room was nice and organized. It was peaceful, although a bit chilly compared to downstairs. A few books were strewn over a desk that sat beneath a window, being the least organized and most messy part of the room. No big deal though. Her phone showed 6:23 am, and she was already wide awake. Nora set about stacking the books properly before searching through her closet for a few clothes to put on later. After a few minutes of brushing her hair, and fixing up her eyepatch to her face, she went downstairs where her mother was. Jessica Gales. The house was always quiet between the two of them, she was gathering some things for her job, which she would be gone for soon. [color=2784aa]”Morning Nora, I’ll be leaving soon. School starts today, doesn’t it?”[/color] She was an older woman, looking like she could retire any day. [color=781fff]”Yeah. I won’t be leaving soon though.”[/color] [color=2784aa]”Oh, this is your senior year. You’re so grown.”[/color] She smiled at her daughter. [color=781fff]”Mhm. Not yet though, am I?”[/color] She joked. [color=2784aa]”That’s right. I’ll have to go in a few minutes, can you lock the doors on your way out?” And don’t forget about the candles if you light any for you-know before you head to school.”[/color] [color=781fff]”I won’t- go ahead, I’ll cover the house when I go.”[/color] [color=2784aa]”Thank you dear. I’ll see you later.”[/color] Ten minutes later, and Nora started getting ready for school, putting on her ever-so-slightly whimsical hoodie, wide legged jeans, and a t-shirt beneath. All with her usual esoteric rune bands and the usual books in her backpack unreadable to most of the people in South California. Before she left however, she texted one of her best friends, Eretia. They shared a lot in common, particularly the things most don’t. [b] [indent][indent][indent]NoraVitki99: I’ll be leaving in just a few minutes, you can meet me in the parking lot if you’re there.[/indent][/indent][/indent][/b] And then, Nora was riding down through the roads of Long Beach, on her [url= https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.jNp-63lkiLdILUinuFmxFAHaE7%26pid%3DApi&f=1]motorcycle,[/url] being the only thing useful left behind by her father. The sight of a one-eyed young woman cruising through traffic with a backpack on may not be the most conventional thing to see on a motorcycle in SoCal, but how else was she supposed to get around? Busses? Sure. Roughly 15 minutes later she arrived in the Delbrook parking lot. She had a lot of memories from being here. Some of them were good, like meeting Tria, others…Well, she wears an eyepatch for a reason. Speaking of Tria, she looked around for her and waited a few minutes leaning against the bike, not seeing her friend anywhere. So she went in. The list she was provided said her homeroom would be Sra. Goldman. [color=781fff]”Hello, Señora.”[/color] She greeted the familiar face with a forward tone. Mrs. Goldman was a bit of a rare gem among teachers, most didn’t take to Nora’s state of being, with the eyepatch that some try to badger her into taking off because it’s “disrespectful” or pestering her about the funny words in her books. Mrs. Goldman wasn’t like that though, Nora felt comfortable in her classroom, safe even. Even when she would no doubt peer curiously over her desk and look at Nora’s books, Nora wouldn’t be bothered by the questions as much as she would someone else. It’s good to have at least one teacher worth anything in a school. As she was finished with her introductions, she went about punishing information into her phone for which classes to head to and when, as well as the structure of the days. After that, she just started reading a few sections out of the Eddas, not far off from Lokasenna or Skardskapamal. Unfortunately, Tria’s desk was on the other end of the room. Then Mr. McGregor’s usual beginning-of-the-year speech came up. He had something lengthy planned for them all today, they always did. Delbrook was somewhat extravagant like that, always having something fitting of SoCal ready to throw at them. Something akin to a festival. And festive it was, for when she saw it all, Nora was surprised at the amount of things they could fit on their field. Before Sra. Goldman rounded them up, Nora shot Tria a text. [b] [indent][indent][indent]NoraVitki99: I’ll meet you by the doors.[/indent][/indent][/indent][/b] There she waited, just outside the doors to the field for Tria. This was gonna be a busy day. [sub][@Pyxis][@Vicier][/sub]