It was the start of a new semester Spring was rolling in rather quickly. The cherry blossoms are in bloom, and the sun was shining brightly. Birds were tweeting a song of love, perched upon a tree branch, their tiny black talons rested on the wooden surface. Chirping away, the jet haired mate had woken up early in the morning. Breakfast was prepared for his two brothers; the two teens can not be bothered to do household chores , so unfortunately the eldest of the three had brought it upon himself to take the role of their Father, despite being nineteen. He had chose this path and would raise his head up in pride, their neighbors would always compliment him, and he would shyly disagree with them. The manners instilled within him, came from his parents and how he was raised- merely looking out for her brothers while their parents were away. His dark hair flowed over his shoulder, as he was getting ready to wear his shoes. He had his ensemble ready, it was a white dress shirt; accompanied with a blue plaid pants. He had already tied the tie under the collars of his shirt. As he went reaching for his bag and towards the door he let his brothers know what his schedule would be like for the day and to call in case of an emergency. He shut the door behind him.