[center][h2]Dr. Artoria Stanko[/h2][/center] [center]Somewhere in Western Oregon, on the I-5[/center] Ever since taking this job...and such a strange one it is...she'd been wary of the others. Institute guidelines said she should avoid taking on side missions if she could help it. And mostly she has. Artorias has been on her long distance mission for quite some time now and it's taken her from one end of the former United States to the other. But for whatever reason she signed up and had been traveling with this group for a short bit now. Learning and watching and helping in what little way she felt she could. They had bedded down that night beside the road. Her wrapped up in her institute provided silver thermal blanket. With the rock hard but comfortable pillow that came with it. She slept but a little blue, charcoal grey and black drone hovered above her. And immediately started to beep and whir waking it's mistress, or trying too and it eventually does when someone else cries out, "We're being attacked!" Artoria blinks awake the internal light of her helmet snapping on, letting her see out of the dome. The drone bobs and in a robotic tinny voice asks, "Permission to engage?" It beeps then again asks, "Permission to engage?" Artoria grapples for her Plasma Defender on her belt, "Permission granted!" She shouts, as she gets too her feet. The little drone beeps a 12.7 smg muzzle clicking out of a port on the side of it, and beginning to pepper one of the beasts with fire. Causing it to howl and jerk. Artoria gets to her feet and the whirr of the plasma weapon ends with a [i][b]Blyt![/b][/i] as a blue-green blast of heated matter spits out and burns into the beast her drone was firing on. She gets to her feet finally and tries to move into a position where she won't be exposed, "Fascinating. They are quite large for a canine species are they not? Mutation? Yes that would be it. Drone, access side note dictation. Record from main camera. The Board may want information on this as well." This all said as she fired her Plasma Defender again, causing one of the beasts to jump back and away with a yelp.