[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/868848204068814850/873521850309824542/unknown.png[/img] [quote=@Master Bruce] [color=6276a9][b]"Steve. If I could have a word."[/b][/color] The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. seemed genuinely caught off guard by the request, but nodded, apparently indicating a 'standby' motion to some unseen craft awaiting him in the clouds. [color=6276a9][b]"You've been a part of every major conflict that this country's seen since World War II. You were at the forefront of The Cold War, Vietnam, The Gulf War... when faced with all of that horror, it would have been easy to become disillusioned. To turn your back on it all and give up."[/b][/color] A sense of melancholy hung on The Dark Knight's tone, as his caped silhouette stood at the edge of the building. He stared out across the skyline of the city he'd sworn to protect. It all suddenly seemed much bigger than he'd ever noticed before. [color=6276a9][b]"And you didn't. Despite it all, you persevered. I just wanted... no, I [i]need[/i] to know."[/b][/color] Turning around fully, Batman's gaze was affixed to the man who'd shouldered a lifetime of burdens. A man who was much older than him, but hadn't seemingly cracked under the same mortal limitations that the vigilante was beginning to fear were creeping upon him. [color=6276a9][b]"Does it ever get easier?"[/b][/color] [/quote] Steve looked down at the ground for a moment. He couldn't lie he had been taken off-guard by the Batmans comment. Always stoic, always unwavering. Steve had never known anyone to be as unflinching as the Batman in his time, and he had known a lot of superheroes over the years. Turning to face Bruce, he tried to make as much eye contact as the man’s mask would allow. [color=#b496f1][b]"It doesn't.[/b][/color] He sighed as he backed up to the ledge, leaning back against it as he did so. [color=#b496f1]"I'd like to say it does, that as you get older it's easier to get up every day and fight the good fight. I used to want to make the world a better place, to stop the bullies. It wasn't until Japan that I realised that there are bullies all around us, and there will always be bullies. The important thing is that no matter what, no matter how bullies you come across you stand back up to face them. When you get older, all we can ask is that the next generation is ready and all we can do is prepare them as best we can.”[/color] Steve crossed his arms over his chest. [color=#b496f1]"We've done some good over the years Bruce; All we can do is prepare the world the best we can."[/color] He turned away as the hatch of the invisible Quinjet opened, and climbing up onto the ledge of the building he stepped into the back of the craft. Steve shouted down as it began to pull away. [color=#b496f1]"If you ever want to talk, you've got my number, I've got some experience being old."[/color]