[h3]Happy Sunday crew and passengers! We have a Public Service Announcement vis a vis the impending TIME SKIP:[/h3] [indent][indent]Originally, we planned on initiating the TIME SKIP this evening after we'd had time to lay some groundwork for everyone to lead up to the CLIMAX/CONCLUSION. That plan has been delayed by a day due to unforseen circumstances that include Ikea, hex wrenches, and Cal scratching his head over which side of the directions is 'up.' The new timing for the TIME SKIP is Monday night (That's tomorrow evening for those of us who don't use calendars). Regarding the above: WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU section, we've already conversed with the lot of you, and the timing should still fit with your part in the CLIMAX/CONCLUSION. If you've got any questions, mine and Sail's doors are always open. If you don't have questions, then buckle up! [u][b]In summary:[/b][/u] Our Sunday night midnight drop is postponed to Monday night. There are no other interruptions foreseen in your regularly scheduled programming.[/indent][/indent] Regards, Your Friendly Neighborhood GM's/Hosts/Super Villains