[b]MIKA CHAMBERS, SAM AND NATALIA WINCHESTER[/b] Mika was well aware of Dean watching her which just made her look at him back and smile back at him. She also knew if she didn't turn back to others soon, she would soon forget they were even in the room. So it was almost a blessing in disguise when Cason and Esme walked through the kitchen door, even if she didn't want to admit it. She looked around the room but mostly between Esme, Cason and Dean to make sure that Dean stayed well behaved. After a few glances at the three of them, she looked down and decided to just focus on eating her breakfast. She was also aware that Annabeth had been whispering to Sam, even before Cason entered the room with Esme. Mika looked at Esme when she greeted everyone, she wasn't sure if she should reply to the woman or not, especially after the night before, even if she did apologise. She still felt that pang of awkwardness around the woman as she tried to come to terms with all of the night's relevations. Natalia smiled at Esme but not Cason and nodded, "I think we all did yeah, I slept as well as one can on that couch anyway" she smirked, seeing Esme look at all the bacon sandwiches, "help yourself, I made plenty knowing Dean has a bottomless pit of a stomach" she said to her, never passing up for a dig at her brother. Sam listened to the whispered words from Annabeth and gave a discreet nod, being careful not to headbutt Anna in the process. "Yeah she does, let's hope it remains" he whispered back, just as Cason and Esme entered and Annabeth whispered to him again to keep an eye on Dean. "Way ahead of you" he whispered, before leaning forward with a single step and grabbing two sandwiches, giving one to Annabeth and keeping one for himself. Natalia then grabbed one for herself after Sam did, taking a bite out of it when her phone started ringing making her sigh in aggitation, placing it down on the worktop as she pulled out her phone from her pocket and answering it. "hey, what's up?" she asked, staring at the floor as she listened. "the what of the what now?" "if I knew what the bloody hell you are on about, I wouldn't asking now would I?" "You're bloody useless sometimes you know that? Fine...fine, I'll let Bobby and co know and look into it" "yeah yeah...pretty sure you owe me a lot more than I owe you..bye" she sighed, pinching her nose as she hung up the phone. "What was that all about?" Sam asked her, "was another hunter contact of mine. Seems they just had to deal with something called the raising of the witnesses and some other screwed up monster murder spree that a a group of demons were found at." she explained to the group. "Raising of the witnesses?" Mika asked, getting up wondering why that felt so familiar to her as she went straight to the pile of books, grabbing one and flicking through it until she found what she was looking for. "They're breaking seals" she stated, looking up at them all.