Stel could do nothing but watch, horrified, as the other pilots and their Orbitals fought for their lives against these two enemies. When she tried to move, she found herself unable, her body unwilling to follow her commands. Yet soon enough, the battle was over. [i]Bedwyr[/i] had done the job, finishing one of the monsters with the wrath of God, to Sodom with love. She didn't have enough wherewithal to take stock of everyone's damage. As she was starting to come out of her stupor, there was a flash of lights as her display lit up. [color=6ecff6][UPDATE: Data Transfer f̵r̵o̵m̴ PANDORA completed. Cached tactical data dumped to PANDORA.][/color] What? But how did... Stel was instantly on high alert. As the explanation of what just happened came through, she once again got a cold feeling in her chest. She was already out of her depth here, and it was starting to show that she might not be the only one. [color=f26522]<>[/color] [color=92278f]<<... No complaints from me.>>[/color] was all that she was able to choke out. Rather than embarrass or endanger herself longer, she began to fire up the rockets that would send her back to the ship. Soon enough she was back onboard.