“You have not truly needed me for a long time.” Meesei answered softly. “Regardless of the power I have wielded, you can lead better than I ever have, Fendros. By your guidance, your pack, and our people, will thrive. Of that, I have no doubt.” No matter how confident she wanted to be, Meesei still had a hard time facing Sabine in this moment. This pain was nothing she could have ever prepared herself for, and it would be even greater for Sabine. Silently at first, Meesei reached through the bars and took hold of Sabine’s hand as she was trying to search through her bag. She did try to smile, but even Meesei could not hold back her tears. “Sabine, you are…everything to me. You are everything I hoped…no, I [i]knew[/i] you would become. I was not sure how to feel about all the pressure I know I put on you as my apprentice. I still…regret it, in ways. I still wish you could have lived for yourself and your own happiness, rather than taking up my legacy. But, you have succeeded in every way I could have dreamed. Not just as a mage, but in [i]who[/i] you are. I could not be more proud of you, and I am happy to know that I could clear the way for you to finally live the life you deserve.”