Galenodel tapped his foot on the floor,[color=Gold]"What is keeping that girl, it's not like her to be late, I bet Madeline is complaining about me riding her too hard."[/color] [color=Gold]"Give her a break dear, she is still young and fragile."[/color] mocked the King. [color=Gold]"I do this to prepare her for any obstacles that she may have to bare without our help."[/color] The monk smiled. [color=Aqua]"Are you convincing me or yourself?"[/color] [color=Gold]"Yes, well, I guess i am a bit overwhelming at times, but she is my only child, and I love her dearly, if anything ever happened to her...I..I"[/color] Soo Tek placed his hand on Galenodel's shoulder,[color=Aqua]"Fathers worry just as much as mothers do, but in order for her to fly, she must leave the nest."[/color] [color=Gold]"I know, I know, you are right, and I will lighten up on her duties, but not today."[/color] [@BlackMaiden] [color=Gold]"There you are, young lady where have you been? "[/color] The monk squeezed the King's shoulder gently but roughly. [color=Gold]"Nevermind, come here my darling, I want you to meet your teacher for today's studies."[/color] [color=Gold]"This is Master Soo Tek, and he will be teaching you how to fight unarmed."[/color] Her father held up his hand in front of her face as to hush Allisara. [color=Gold]"Yes, I know you know how to fight with a sword, obviously, but what if you are weaponless?"[/color] The king turned to Soo Tek and bowed, [color=Gold]"She's in your hands now sensei."[/color] Galenodel turned to face his daughter, [color=Gold]"Make me proud."[/color] he kisses her forehead, before walking out of the room. The monk lit his pipe and took a few puffs, while examining her physique.