[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/Gvc7TpN/8308760.jpg[/img][/center] [h2][b][center][color=eb5017]Basic Information:[/color][/center][/b][/h2] [i]Full Name:[/i] Reyniria Loreweaver [i]Nicknames/Titles:[/i] Rey [i]Gender:[/i] Female [i]Alignment:[/i] Chaotic Neutral [i]Age:[/i] 101 [i]Race/Homeland:[/i] Sea Elf [i]Class:[/i] Sorcerer [h2][b][center][color=eb5017]Character Appearance:[/color][/center][/b][/h2] [i]Hair:[/i] Black; shoulder-length, coiled [i]Skin:[/i] Light blue [i]Eyes:[/i] almond-shaped; dark purple [i]Height:[/i] 181cm [i]Weight:[/i] 70kg [i]Markings (Scars, Tattoo's etc):[/i] Large, light green horizontal scar across abdomen [i]Physical Features:[/i] Freckles across nose and cheeks [h2][b][center][color=eb5017]Personality:[/color][/center][/b][/h2] [i]General Happiness:[/i] Quite low [i]Social Level:[/i] Very formal when speaking with others, though is more laid-back with people she trusts. [i]Optimistic/Pessimistic:[/i] Mostly pessimistic, though tries to reign it in. [i]Positive Personality Traits:[/i] Willing to listen to every side of an argument before making judgements, intellectual, and compassionate [i]Negative Personality Traits:[/i] Suspicious of strangers, will run and preserve her own life if the going gets tough, convinced of her significance of her destiny and blind to her shortcomings and the risk of failure, and can come across as cold at times [i]Misc. Quirks:[/i] Prone to humming when worried [i]Religion/Philosophy:[/i] Doesn't follow any deities, though is open to it [i]Likes:[/i] purple flowers, knowledge, teaching others, and vodka [i]Favorite Foods:[/i] Cookies [i]Favorite Drinks:[/i] Vodka, anything strong-tasting [i]Favorite Colors:[/i] Purple and pink [i]Dislikes:[/i] ignorance, dry heat, dolls, talking of her past [i]Hobbies:[/i] Reading up on history/arcane magic/lore/history, and fishing [h2][b][center][color=eb5017]General Character Info:[/color][/center][/b][/h2] [i]Relationship Status:[/i] Single [i]Place of residence:[/i] Travels [i]Place of Birth:[/i] Unknown [i]Occupation:[/i] Scholar [i]Group/Guild/Clan affiliation:[/i] Unknown [i]Enemies:[/i] A whole village [i]Wealth Status:[/i] Middle-low class [h2][b][center][color=eb5017]Character Abilities and Proficiency:[/color][/center][/b][/h2] [i]Favored Weapon:[/i] Staff [i]Weapon SKill:[/i] highly proficient in pole weapons, has some skill with harpoons and nets [i]Magic Abilities:[/i] Chill Touch, Frostbite, Ray of Frost, Shape water, Mage Armour, Ray of Sickness, and Thunderwave [i]Magic Strengths:[/i] Ice-based [i]Other Information:[/i] Owns a cursed magical book [h2][b][center][color=eb5017]History/Background:[/color][/center][/b][/h2] [i]Birthplace:[/i] Unknown [i]Parents:[/i] Unknown [i]History:[/i] Reyniria spent her younger years studying history and magic, and became a teacher in both professions at 59. At age 100, an explosion in a Temple of Deep Sashelas killed twenty people, including her father and sister. Reyniria's body, as well as a powerful magic book, was never found in the temple. Some believed she may be alive and planning more destruction. As far as anyone knew, the explosion was due to unknown dark magical reasons.