[color=6ecff6]"Don't worry Mom, I got this. Can't be that bad of learning something useful hopefully"[/color]She said Sweetly trying to help ease her mothers mind before hearing the familar voice of her father. She turned her attention towards him as she nodded. [color=6ecff6]"Sorry dad, I got caught up talking to mom."[/color]She apologized scratching the back of her head moving over to him quickly looking between him and the monk "Unarmed bu-"she spoke only to get silenced mid sentence hearing the rest of his explaination, which kinda makes sense but seemed odd to suddenly have added to her busy tutoring schedule that keeps growing by the day it seemed. She smiled closing her eyes accepting the kiss to her forehead before reopening them looking back towards them [color=6ecff6]"I will try but just incase, i get to complain of being sore afterwards."[/color]She teased before looking towards her newest teacher [color=6ecff6]"I hope I do not dissappoint you Master Soo Tek."[/color]She spoke bowing in respect.