With the assets on display being squished asserted, the Elven Paladin would turn his head away, just in time for Gram to look at him. [b]"I am glad that you're expressing discretion, Vani. Please refrain from your usual foolishness with this one,"[/b] the draconic woman would say, smiling back at the golden girl before her. [b]"This is Vani, a Paladin of Freesia. He fancies himself a lady's man, but he's trustworthy. Now then..."[/b] Gram would circle around the girl, amazed at her lack of general confusion. [b]"I'm surprised that you're taking this so well, all things considered. You really are the hero of legend,"[/b] she would say, stopping behind her and asking a relatively simple question: [b]"Would you like to go somewhere warmer? It's below freezing outside, and with attire like that, I imagine the chill will be getting to you soon."[/b] With a glance she looked to Vani, who would remove his cloak and drape it over the yet unnamed heroine to give her something moderately warm. It also smelt like cinnamon.