[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/868848204068814850/871125060155473931/Hulk.png[/img] [color=1a7b30][b][centre]She-Hulk #0.3 - [url=https://youtu.be/H-79RqZYH1Y]Parklife[/url] Location - Los Angeles, California[/centre][/b][/color] [hr] [u][b]2 months previously...[/b][/u] [b]Huff. Huff. Huff.[/b] Jennifer felt as if her chest was about to explode as she pushed herself to continue jogging along the paved pathway of the park. The waters in the nearby fountain flowing peacefully brought uncomfortable amounts of attention to how thirsty she was, she licked her dry lips as she tried to shake off her desire to stop. She did not make it much further until she came up to a nearby bench. In a [i]slight[/i] overreaction Jennifer grasped onto the armrest of the bench as if she would collapse without it as she bent doubled over her other hand resting on her knee. Sweat dripped from her forehead onto the floor below her, frantically she wiped her forehead with her forearm but to no avail as the scorching heat of the sun above was only adding to the much needed exercise her now overworked body needed. Exhausted she sat on the bench with her head in her hands. [i][color=1a7b30]Oh yeah, go for a run without turning into She-Hulk, thanks dad that was a great idea![/color][/i] Truthfully it had shocked her quite a bit just how unfit she was. After all this time doing anything that would need her to exert herself as She-Hulk, she was used to doing most things without breaking a sweat really. Now, barely 2 laps around a city park and she was almost collapsing, she did feel a little embarrassed at that but also stupid that she was even doing it to begin with. [color=1a7b30][i]Why do I even need to train like this? It isn't like I am at a health risk or anything, if anything I could probably do with putting on a few pounds now that I think about it.[/i][/color] Jennifer looked around for a moment before standing up and making her way over to a drinking fountain, where she took a long needed drink. [color=1a7b30][i]And anyway, say I kept this up? Any kind of physical peak I could reach would just be completely obsolete.[/i][/color] She knew that her fathers suggestions was attempts to try and push her to spend more time as 'just' Jennifer Walters, not She-Hulk. But really moments like this only made her wish she could stay as She-Hulk forever, feeling like her helpless, useless, old self from before. She had to admit it was making her a bit frustrated. "E-excuse me miss." Jennifer was startled by a young, high pitched voice coming from behind her. [color=1a7b30]"Oh sorry I didn't notice you were there, sorry sorry it's all yours."[/color] Jennifer stood aside from the drinking fountain after turning around to see a young girl with shoulder length hair. Upon closer inspection she saw that the girl had a rather distressed look on her face. "It isn't that miss. I was wondering if you could help me with something?" The young girl fidgeted nervously. Jennifer knelt down and rubber her shoulder, trying to smile as nicely as she could. [color=1a7b30]"Of course I will, what do you need?"[/color] it felt strange that someone had approached her for help. She would have been expecting it if she was She-Hulk, but as regular old Jennifer Walters it just felt, weird... "My cat, they got stuck up a tree." [i][color=1a7b30]Oh you gotta be kidding me...[/color][/i] [hr] Jennifer stood next to the girl, now under a tall Cedarwood tree with a medium sized white cat sitting rather precariously on one of it's branches. A rather high up branch to boot. The young girl pointed up to the cat. "That's her." [color=1a7b30]"So, uh. If you don't mind me asking how exactly did she get up there?"[/color] "Climbed up." The young girl put plainly. [color=1a7b30]"Aha yes, I was asking more if you knew why she climbed up?"[/color] The girl shook her head and shrugged her shoulders somewhat as if to say she wasn't entirely sure what to say to Jennifer. "I went to try and buy a snack and next thing I knew I heard her kind of hiss and yelp and when I came over she was up there. I tried to climb up but I didn't get far then I didn't know what to do." [color=1a7b30]"Do you not have a parent or guardian, or anyone, with you?"[/color] The girl shrugged her shoulders again. [color=1a7b30][i]This is oddly suspicious...[/i][/color] [color=1a7b30]"Well don't you worry now, I will get her down in no time."[/color] Jennifer said as she approached closer to the tree. "Thank you miss... uh what should I call you miss?" [color=1a7b30]"Jen is fine. I will be just a minute now.[/color] She tried to assure the girl as best she could. How stupid she had been hit her almost immediately as she took her first movements up the tree, grasping for a place to find to latch onto with her hands she cluelessly felt about for a foothold, it was even worse when she started to actually climb. Barely halfway up to the branch where the cat actually was she could feel her untrained muscles begin to waver a bit. Out of breath she stopped for a moment. [i][color=1a7b30]Whoah now, come on Jen. It's a tree, a tree. Don't let a tree beat you.[/color][/i] Straining herself she continued to scale the tree. She felt as if she had begun losing her grip then she almost certainly would have fallen off the damn thing. But thankfully something in the universe must have decided that today was her lucky day because although the process was taxing she did not struggle to keep hold of where her hands were able to grasp. Now on level to the branch where the cat was stuck on, Jennifer looked over at it. The cat was in fact looking right back at her onto her eyes. [i][color=1a7b30]Don't tell me it's going to attack me now...[/color][/i] She quietly worried to herself as she contemplated her fate following the inevitable fall if the cat started scratching her face up with its claws. Thankfully through it was a rather peaceful cat, cautiously but rather gratefully it approached Jennifer and balanced itself onto her shoulders so it could continue to rest as she carried it back down to the ground. With sweat once more streaming down her face Jennifer planted her feet on the ground with shaky knees. The cat leaped off her shoulders and started walking away. [color=1a7b30]"Just- Just give me a minute."[/color] Jennifer said out of breath, she sat down with her back up against the tree as her muscles ached dully. The cat walked slowly over to the young girl and nuzzled up against her leg. The girl knelt with a smile on her face to pet the cat. "Thank you Jen! I don't know what I would have done without you." [color=1a7b30]"Try calling the police, or fire service, Don't they do stuff like this?[/color] "I don't know... I didn't think about that." Jennifer laughed softly. [color=1a7b30]"Don't worry about that. I am glad I was able to help you."[/color] Waving goodbye the young girl left the park with her cat in her arms. Jennifer felt like it was time to go home and have a nice long nap. Something she was bound to regret later tonight, but then... It had been several days since she had came to L.A and only now she realized she had not once 'gone out.' Come to think of it when she lived her it was never really something she had done. And since she had gone to the park as Jennifer Walters, dad couldn't be too bothered if she spent the night as She-Hulk. Jennifer picked herself up and smiled to herself as she began to walk her way home, making plans for that evening in her head.