[center][h1][color=beige]Kythor[/color][/h1][/center] The journey they took was a peaceful one, something that Kythor could appreciate. For his cutthroat view on survival in the natural world, even he could grow to appreciate the peaceful moments of calm and quiet on the road. As he kept an eye out for danger, he also found himself taking the opportunity to admire the world around them. The stars above glistened, reminding Kythor of the tales the storytellers of the tribe would tell him in his youth. Huddled around a campfire for warmth, they would tell of mere mortals whose feats and deeds were so great that, in death, they were immortalized in the stars. This was so that they would always be remembered as heroes, and so that those who still lived could commune with them in times of difficulty. The ones who shone the brightest, those that could be seen the easiest, were those who had sacrificed themselves for the greater good. This thought gave Kythor pause, enough to keep him silent the rest of the trip. Not that he had said anything beforehand, that is - he didn't have much to say on this morning. When their journey ended, and as visibility became clearer across the land, Kythor cleared his throat and rubbed his eyes. [i][color=beige]"Looks like we've arrived,"[/color][/i] he said, [i][color=beige]"and from the looks've it without much issue. Fortune favors us, it seems!"[/color][/i] The tiefling quietly chuckled. It was then that he noticed the person being surrounded by a crowd of strangers, and watched as Jitter told the group of his plan to get closer and investigate. While Kythor wasn't immediately inclined to rush headfirst into what was unfolding, his inner curiosity was nagging at him to. At the very least, before he got closer, he figured he could watch and see what was happening first before leaping to action. [i]If[/i] he was going to leap into action. [hr] Kythor's going to make a Perception check to try and see what's going on from a distance to better decide if he should get involved or not. Wisdom(Perception) Check:[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/22145]1d20+6=14[/url]