[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210615/b867348a1514ca9aab1b26b15b9fb814.png[/img][/center] [Color=gold]Time:[/color] Afternoon [Color=gold]Location:[/color] Gustavo's Gym to Michele's Apartment, San Francisco [Color=gold]Interaction:[/color] [@Xandrya] Michele [hr] [Color=gold]"An hour?"[/color] Michael blurted out with raised eyebrows. He'd been wasting so much time testing out his boundless stamina at the bench press that he hadn't progressed to his other workouts. It wouldn't have been rude to keep Michele waiting, so he put the weight plates he was using back in their places and briskly exited the gym. Though he was glad he had a vehicle to get him from Point A to Point B, the current traffic in San Francisco was a commuter's nightmare. As he approached his car, he felt numbing sensation across his skin. [Color=gold]"What the…"[/color] He stopped and looked at his exposed skin as that's where the numbness felt the strongest. [Color=lightblue]"Hey you good? That preworkout must be hella strong?"[/color] A man passing Michael in the parking lot commented. [Color=gold]"I'm good."[/color] He honestly had no clue what was happening, but he surmised the feeling was coming from the sunlight. He hurried to his car, getting inside. And just like that, he felt normal again. [Color=gold]"Weird… Wait a second."[/color] He rolled down his tinted window and reached his hand out to the sunlight. The numb feeling returned. [Color=gold]"Awesome…"[/color] Withdrawing his arm and rolling the window back up, he started up his vehicle to head home so he could shower and change. [I]40 minutes later…[/I] Michael had arrived at the condo he called home, immediately jumping in the shower. It might have been easier to text Michele and have her push the time back some, but racing the clock had tempted him. Navigating through his messy home made things all the more challenging. And he had volunteered to clean it too. He shrugged at the broken furniture before putting on denim jeans, a short-sleeved baby blue graphic shirt with Los Angeles, and a picture of the city at the center. For his shoes, he slipped on a pair of clean white sneakers. He brushed his hair, applied deodorant, dabbed some cologne on, and then went for the door. [I]10 minutes later…[/I] [Color=gold]"Fuck this traffic, and I forgot to put on lotion!"[/color] Michael complained as he looked at the dry skin between his fingers and along his arms. He thought about going back or stopping somewhere to get some, but the clock. It wasn't a date, but he really liked Michele. In a way, she made him feel like things were perfectly fine. No drama, dangers, or worries… Well except for when they first met, but after that things had remained smooth. Smooth, unlike his skin right now. [I]13 minutes later...[/I] It was a blessing Michele didn't live too far from where he and Floyd stayed, so traffic wasn't too unbearable on the way to her apartment. He was a few minutes late, but only a few. As he approached the door to her apartment, he couldn't help but smile. At least Michele could brighten up his day some.