[Center][Img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.2653566dde9e18202a4f5fe9e720b23c?rik=1%2bRT6W6rcoxwmw&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/Img][/center] [CENTER][I][h1][color=brown]Hector Salzaras[/color][/h1][/i][/CENTER] [Color=brown]Time:[/color] Afternoon [Color=brown]Location:[/color] The Salzaras Estate, Mexico [Color=brown]Interaction:[/color] [hr] [Color=brown]“This is quite the unfortunate turn of events is it not.”[/color] Hector Salzaras said as he wiped his hands off with a napkin. He’d just enjoyed a wonderful steak & salmon dinner with an abundance of delicious sides. He sat at the dinner table of his illustrious palace for lack of better word that he’d built in Mexico. As the leader of the Salzaras Cartel, he was a very busy & powerful man. Whilst he had no aspirations for political power, he did have many such people in his circle. There was a history of people like him, notorious wealthy cartel leaders moving in the same circles as the pushers & movers of this country’s government. But he’d taken things a step further with the inclusion of altered humans within his ranks. While the United States shunned them down as genetic mishaps, mutants, monsters & some devout religious fundamentalists demons. He’d seen them as a viable financial asset, one that was paying off hundred-fold. A black portal opened up and out stepped a man that was of hispanic & Russian descent. Nikolai Rasputin. He was a notorious weapons dealer prior to the energy storm, but after getting his powers he’d struck up an alliance with the leader of the Salzaras Cartel. He’d expanded his operations from being an international gun smuggler to also trafficking narcotics & even got into human trafficking thanks to some contacts in India & The Middle East courtesy of Hector Salzaras. It would be an understatement to say that his powers had changed his life dramatically, and raised his finances to that of a high level millionaire. Niko hadn’t come through the portal alone, bringing along a few brief-cases and three armed men. He took a bow towards Hector as did the men, but Hector waved his hand & motioned for them to rise up. He was on the phone, and all who worked for him in the upper management of the Salzaras Cartel knew better then to interrupt him on the phone. By the sounds of it, he was talking to his lover Cynthia Ortiz. After a short while later Hector hung up the phone and let out a sigh. He then widened his arms and allowed a warm smile to gather on his face. [Color=brown]“Please eat, there is no need to fear me, as long as product & money is flowing, and all agreements are as planned you will have no anonymity from me.”[/color] “Understood Mr. Salzaras.” Niko replied as he took a seat, as did the others. While Hector had told him as well as his second In command Eduardo & others on the chairman board that they could call him Hector, only Eduardo & Rita dared. Anyone that he gave permission to call him Hector he surely meant it, but his calm demeanor was as well as down as his sadistic & violent strike towards subordinates who angered him. Sometimes even the slightest infraction could have them ordered to be eaten by shark’s, piranha’s, alligators or whatever particular torture interested him at the time. [Color=brown]“Still insist on showing the upmost respect, even though among us two you have the clear advantage in raw power Mr. Rasputin. I like that about you.”[/color] Hector said as he took a knife and cut a piece of his lemon square before taking a bite. He was very full from his meal, but he always welcomed desert. “Well you are the one behind changing my life, the storm’s plague may have given me the ability, but you provided the guidance & direction to elevate myself to a new standing. Aside from that power isn’t as simple as me opening portals, people shooting lasers, or summoning violent gusts of wind or fire. Power is money, power is an aura about oneself, the ability to command others. There are different forms of power, and power like you and the leaders of America and other nations have far surpasses even the power I wield.” Niko responded as some chefs brought food to the table for him & his men. [Color=brown]“Very perceptive, and while you may be right, I still can’t help but imagine and at times even envy the type of raw power individuals such as yourself, my lover & sister have. Although I hear rumors that this Boost may be the answer to my desire of having my own super powers. Anyway I’ve become privy o some very disheartening news lately, I was on the phone with Miss Ortiz. With her informative lips she’s uncovered that the source of the missing drugs was none other then my dear sister Rita, it seems she hadn’t learned from the fate of my former foolish younger brother and father.”[/color] Hector spoke calmly at the passing of family members whom he’d ordered killed when they crossed him. The tension in the room was clear, and Niko’s explanation seemed to be showcased right here at the dinner table. Of the five the room, eight including the severs Hector was the one who held & wielded the most true power in the room. As stated by the portal generating trafficker, Salzaras had real power, and not the kind that could lift boxes with your mind or make them melt. The kind of power many men & even women had sought over the centuries to subjugate their fellow humans to their will. [Color=brown]“Alas she knew that unlike with father & my annoying brother I do have a soft spot for her, still that simply means I won’t have her tossed in a vat of acid or subjected to multiple strains of venomous snakes at once. A punishment is still in order, at the very least she must make amends for her transgressions, and even the reluctance I have to ending her tenure on this earth has it’s limits. As with food, I believe every person has an expiration date, but some people can continue to push that date farther and farther away such as yourself Niko & the rest of you here.”[/color] Hector said with a charismatic smile that did not fit the grim topic he was discussing in-front of them. “So Rita was the snake after all, forgive my language. Also not to interrupt, but Oakland has turned into a bloody street war, thugs walking around bullet proof who can bend steel bars under the influence of this Boost. Even with my powers I’ve yet to find any leads, and from the women I’ve taken recently for my overseas clients none have had any leads either. I understand that Boost may prove to be a thorn in your side, a drug like that has potential to appeal to a far wider & weather market then the likes of our usuals including cocaine & heroin correct?” Niko asked being careful with his words, for being a powerful man & asset to the Salzaras Cartel he still knew to watch his words & be careful of how he spoke to the ruthless cartel leader. [Color=brown]“Much far wider & reacher, the Us Government has made sure to keep news of Boost out of the media & has all but abandoned efforts to help Oakland in public, despite the fact that gangs aided by altered & boost were tearing up the city. “[/color] Hector responded while pausing to carefully think of the implications of such a move. [Color=brown][I]My intuition tells me it’s because the US Government must want to get their hands on this substance, which means whomever is in charge of the manufacture & distribution of boost will be quite the wealthy individual. According to Cynthia’s intel the drugs Rita diverted were to a player named Floyd Banker, whose managed to get the feds attention, but the case was forcibly taken from them[/I][/color] “It makes since with what it is, I myself haven’t tried the substance nor found it for that matter, but I do no Oakland’s turning into more of a war zone then usual, the effects of which have far since stretched from the ghetto’s & other urban areas, which typically would have long since led to a reaction from law enforcement, especially with the military deployed to every state.” Niko spoke aloud, he too was speculating on the purpose & mystery behind the government’s seeming refusal or concern about Oakland. [Color=brown]“I believe there is a race going on, the winner will be the first one to claim control of Boost for themselves, these thugs with a few altered have managed to seize Oakland, next door to San Francisco where a Godzilla sized woman just went on a rampage and murdered thousands, f they have not yet launched a swift military strike to demolish these wannabe gangsters trying to enact a supervillain like takeover, then it’s because the US wants access to the very same power as these thugs & no doubt there working tireless to acquire this fountain of power. Thus we, the Salzaras must acquire it first. Niko proceed with the plans to retrieve the tunnel-maker from Chicago, that should stir up enough controversy to forcibly divide the United States Attention, afterwards divert all your current attention to Oakland, in order to compete with the gods, we too must acquire the power of Olympus for ourselves.”[/color] Hector said with a smile as he took another bite of his lemon bar. [Color=brown]“As for my dear sister, her time is near, but if you would I’d like you to reach out to this Floyd Banker, I believe he too may prove to be a valuable piece of this puzzle we’re trying to put together.”[/color]