[h3]Jaden[/h3] "That sure quite a meal if I say so myself." Speaking to no one in particular as he left Gathering Hall with Arania on his right shoulder. She getting some food for herself as well. It sure was good eating, and nice to see people having fun. But, he has to be somewhere, and so Jaden headed straight away to his quarters to get his gear. It did not take long for him to gather his things and made his way down Geological Research Department. Making his way through the busy crowd and Arania took the opportunity to fly above him as not to bump into anyone. Once he arrived and Arania land on his right shoulder. To find that two hunters were already here. Must be his future teammates, he thought. "Hey, everyone," he said with a big smile. "I take it that you two are here for the same reason I am. The request from Dr. Paeris Daelen."