Chiyoko frowned at Rose and grabbed her arm to shake her. "Did you not hear what I said?" she asked with a hint of annoyance in her voice. "Do you really think they would give you pretty rooms if they wanted to dispose of you? At the agency they can only observe how you behave in that environment, when you're not out on fieldwork or something. I'm not saying there won't be any tests done on you, but there's no need to panic like this. Beasts they want to study and dispose of because they are dangerous are usually kept in cages. [i]I[/i] was in a cage until they decided they wanted me alive instead and I got moved here. You should be glad you are here." The small woman put her arms in her long sleeves again as she watched Rose to see if her words had any effect. If not, she would just leave; there were better ways to spend this time than to fruitlessly talk to someone panicking over nothing. [hr] Ethan blew away some smoke, in the direction the wind was going, away from the non-smokers. It was admirable Harriet was so cool about her stuff missing. He didn't really have any personal things of value at the base either and all the standard stuff was indeed easily replaced, so he could understand the reaction, but if he recalled correctly she did have some special stuff in her room. "We can have a look at the old base, yeah," Ethan said. "See what creatures lurk there with everyone gone, and see what things were left behind. I guess any stuff that is still there is free to take?" Agent Morrison agreed by nodding as he inhaled some smoke and blew it out. With nothing to do, his mind wandered to Carl and Jase. Where would they be? The last thing he heard from them was a message that the agency wanted them dead and that they would destroy the phone. And moments later Rudrig had come to him showing him a text they had to be brought in. And that happened after those beasts from this girl's team had been relocated to the examination facility. An eventful day for sure, and the night was still young.