[center][h3][i][color=skyblue]Kendra Serrana[/color][/i][/h3][/center] Kendra's relief at having safely arrived at the next town was quickly washed away by the sight that she recognized swiftly enough. A crowd, a pyre, flames... an execution, and a sadistic one at that. She wasn't eager to dive into the crowd like Jitter was, and since Theodorick took the initiative to inquire as to the man's crimes, Kendra lingered at a distance close enough to overhear the conversation, and listened. Murdered adventurers, murdered villagers, some sort of discovery... Kendra grimaced, feeling the curiosity's pull. She'd never believed in fate before, but as someone who now had forces beyond her understanding guiding her in ways she couldn't predict, it was hard not to see everything she came across as orchestrated. Pulling her hood back, she approached the militia woman. The lack of screaming from the wizard was as unnerving as the execution itself, but she kept a mostly straight face. [color=skyblue]"What's been done with the wizard's book? Or any other writings he may have kept?"[/color] She paused, briefly considering how much to share of herself. [color=skyblue]"I'm no wizard but I know a thing or two about magic. Perhaps I could help unravel this."[/color]