[color=82ca9d]"I gave his spell book to another wizard that was passing through here on her way to Caer-Dineval. A tiefling named Avarice, I think she was an associate of Dzaan. She left earlier today heading that way, not sure what she's looking for there. I'm Imdra Arlaggath, captain of the Easthaven milita."[/color] She looks over Matthews and Kendra some and then at Jitter before shaking her head.[color=82ca9d] "We don't have problems with magic users just ones who murder people who have helped us before as well as other citizens. If you are looking for lodging there is the White Lady Inn, it's close to ferry. If it's food and drink you want, you also have the Wet Trout on the north east end."[/color] She gestures first to the general direction of the inn then toward the general direction of the tavern.