[center][h1][color=beige]Kythor[/color][/h1][/center] [i][color=beige]"Perhaps the killer wants to try to keep a shred of dignity before he dies,"[/color][/i] Kythor speculated. [i][color=beige]"'Far as I care, he's got no place among any on this world. Murderers and those kinds of people... I've no sympathy for them."[/color][/i] Yet as he stared at the burning pyre, he couldn't help but wonder how necessary this all was. If the man was innocent - which Kythor suspected was not the case - then this was a torturous spectacle being put on to amuse the townsfolk. What did burning him at the stake accomplish? Sure, humans and other non-tiefling folk were much more susceptible to fire than he, but they were still taking a risk of having him escape. Aside from that, this method of killing was far too prolonged. The Greyspears never executed anyone for their crimes. But the way Kythor saw it, this was hardly any different than hunting a wild animal. Death should be delivered with a singular strike; be that an arrow to the skull, or a blade to the throat. Ultimately, while this was justice being served, Kythor couldn't help but feel as if this was a gross mockery of it. Having the sense to keep that to himself, Kythor tuned back in to the conversation at hand. Putting on a brave front, he shook his head to look at Jitter. [i][color=beige]"We can't leave,"[/color][/i] Kythor said. [i][color=beige]"We've only just come here. I'm not real keen on us just wandering around aimlessly either. 'Sides, I assume they only burn the murderers at the stake, so you've got nothing to fear. Right?"[/color][/i] Whether or not this was true didn't ultimately matter, since Kythor figured they likely wouldn't be here too long. The mention of Avarice caught his attention in two ways. First, it reassured him that these people were likely at least tolerant of tieflings. Still, he made no grandiose display of his infernal heritage, just to be safe, even though his horns still stuck from the hood of his cloak clear as day. Secondly, he wondered if perhaps she was involved with this murder somehow... [i][color=beige]"We appreciate your direction, Captain,"[/color][/i] Kythor nodded to Imdra. [i][color=beige]"We don't know how long we'll be staying in town, but it is still useful to know what accomodations a town has and where to find them. You mentioned something about a tiefling wizard earlier? Avarice, was it? You said she was an associate of this man's,"[/color][/i] Kythor said, pointing to the pyre. [i][color=beige]"Is it possible that she was involved in the murders, somehow?"[/color][/i] He didn't ask it out loud, but he was questioning the wisdom of giving the spellbook of an alleged killer to one of their associates.