Skill Seeker [hr] [@Crimson Paladin][@VitaVitaAR] [hr] The older man would click his tongue. “Don’t regret ignoring opportunity, lass. Trustin’ everything you see or hear is how tragedy happens.” And he would simply turn and walk away, leaving Nobunaga to her own plans. “Ah, hello. I was just discussing some things that happened with Novak here yesterday.” Enli would give a warm greeting. “Nothing troublesome, just...well, I’m sure you heard the talk on the way here.” He’d say with a light sigh, shaking his head. “Now, perhaps Novak you could continue?” He’d listen with mild concern as the traveler would speak, though his concern would turn to mild seeming confusion as he continued but he wouldn’t ask questions until Novak had said his piece. “...I...orb? I don’t remember there being anything about an orb of some sort...” He’d frown in thought. “ say lazhira has knowledge of this? I assume its because she spends more time in the temple then she did doing anything I’m sorry I can’t be of more help in this. I suppose I can go over the things we have again, but I don’t have the time for now.” He’d say. “I would not want to keep the Kyrnith waiting. If you’d like to instead, there’s still some scrolls that may tell some things. I’ll take a close look once I return this evening.” Plant hunting [@PKMNB0Y] [hr] The deer would bound towards Misaki, the wolves nipping at its heels as it would make a beeline for the fox. With the brief seconds she had to compose herself and think of an action, she decided to arm herself with what seemed to be a shaft of a bamboo-esque plant. The deer would leap past Misaki, as the fox girl would stand as steadfast as she could against the wolves as they would run up to her, slowing the dash for the deer as they would snarl, yip and bark towards the fox. Her defensive posture at least, seemed to make them wary and question if the two were going after the kill - but wolves were also pack animals...there was likely more than just two around here, but at the same time she didn’t see any, and her ears didn’t pick anything up either, but it was difficult to focus as one of the wolves would make a few cautious steps towards Misaki, while the second would circle around to her right. The Deer had positioned itself behind Misaki some ways, just close enough to her to give the predators pause if they attempted to go for her. A little secret [@Click This] [hr] “Uhm...I guess? I say dad, but its more that well, he sort of made me?” Lazhira would respond slowly. “Uhm...I’m not sure how to explain it.” She’d say with a light chuckle. “My story well...He sort of tossed me out when he got bored of me. If It wasn’t for those fishermen that literally fished me out of the water I’d be dead. Dummy probably wanted to see how I’d adapt to life here as an experiment or something.” Lazhira would give Narkissa a look of mild annoyance and irritation. “So, erm, I guess? If that’s what a Demigod is. Anyways, other than that I don’t really have much of one. Ended up here after that, those parents raised me...well, that was a while ago. They ended up dying in a fishing accident when a storm hit the coast some years ago.” She’d take a seat on a nearby stump, seeming a bit wistful as she’d continue. “Uhm, but that’s also why he’s looking for me. When I was still with him, I heard a lot about his plans...which is why I don’t think the Kyrnith has anything to do with this. Maybe not a curse, but its the easiest thing I could say to convince you guys, and that fog is sort of...I guess a side effect of whatever thing is sleeping beneath here.” She’d frown. “...which he wants to free. He needs two keys for it, and the first was well...destroyed, and the the orb that went missing, and why I wanted to steal it...but someone beat me to it and I don’t know who or why. He probably thinks I could help him make another of those keys or something.” She sighed. “He’s trying to break the seal - the fact that fog is here is evidence alone that he’s succeeded somewhat, but its probably taking longer without the key.” She’d look over to Narkissa. “So y’think you could help? I know I’m asking a lot - getting on his bad side anymore is probably going to be dangerous, but if we do have the orb, could you give it to me? We can’t let him have it.” A Traveler [@PaulHaynek] [hr] “Eh? Wah hey! No passing out on me!” Was the last words he’d hear from the woman, before drifting off into unconsciousness as the fatigue of the trip and cold would finally be catching up with him. … … … The sky stretched above him, infinite stars and planetoids seeming so close, yet so far. He could likely reach out and just...pluck one from the sky and toss it around like a ball, should he desire. Where was he? Below was an endless vast expanse of white, though in the distance he could see something...a small...village? It was difficult to tell from this distance. How’d he get here? This was certainly not the place he had fallen unconscious in, but he certainly wasn’t dead...or was this simply his dying body’s attempt to make sense of his impending death?, no, somehow he’d feel that wasn’t the case. Soon the planets would jerk forward, as though the plane of vast empty space he was standing on began rotating at impossibly high speeds. Faster and faster, until each was nothing but a blur in the heavens above, and he would be drawn to move towards the village as the heavens twirled above. But soon, something would happen. A gust of wind would blow, an article of clothing with it. It would land some distance in front of him, it was...a maids dress? Well that was odd - but he’d have little time to think of it before something disconcerting would happen. Skeletal creatures would start rising from the snow, all rushing towards him - they were going to tear him apart - And then he would wake. Nightmare or dream, he’d wake.. He was close to the foothills of the mountain now, though it was hard to tell where exactly he had traveled, nothing looked familiar in this expanse of white. The only thing he could tell, was that she had seemed to carried him down the opposite side of the mountain. “Wah! You’re awake!” She’d shout. “Jeez, I thought you were a goner! You had a bit of hypothermia and you look like you had been walking forever! You northern folk are crazy!” She’d laugh, though didn’t seem to mean that in a bad way. “Anyways, carried ya down the mountain. Should be pretty safe here. Ya should probably eat something. Them scrawny arms of yours probably aren’t gonna help ya a lot if ya don’t.” She’d offer him a wooden bowl with a few freshly cooked bits of what seemed to be fowl in it. “So what’s your name anyways? And why ya traveling them mountains?” She had set up what seemed to be some sorta makeshift camp, and he had been laying on a small, somewhat uncomfortable fur mat near a fire. Didn’t seem to be anything around for awhile, save for what seemed to be a forest far in the distance and the vast fields of snow that seemed to be normal here. “Don’t suppose you’re from that village I’m supposed to be looking for, do ya?” The Roma Mob [@Pyromania99] [hr] Vallanur would click their tongue, only muttering a slur under their breath as they’d watch Augusta leave. Octavia would follow Augusta, though the pup would start barking and snapping at people as they passed in some manner of aggression, only stopping and seeming to barely restrain itself if Augusta ordered her not too. The guards would let her pass without a problem, the queen having already told them they’d be her guests, as such should be treated as one would treat any of the royal family, and as expected Augusta would find the queen right in her throne room. “Greetings, Augusta” The queen would reply with a friendly tone. “Indeed...I can imagine that your pup gives you no end of trouble...demons can be quite...insatiable as we know all to well.” The Queen would observe the elvish woman and the pup, who was still restlessly pawing at the ground. Her tall, pale ethereal form would stand from her throne, the long dress seemingly gliding across the floor with the same odd, otherworldly grace. “You are my guest, so of course it is my due responsibility to ensure your comfort...but of course, as you know a favor may often require another favor in return.” She would say. “And the favor I must ask in return...I will be holding a...gathering, of sorts in a few days. Important people from all of Gloom Hollow will be present. You will be my partner.” If Augusta looked at her eye, it seemed to not reveal anything of note. Send Feet Pics [@Cu Chulainn] [hr] “On to business then, good.” Mie would say, taking a seat again at the table. “Thankfully for the both of us, there’s not many villages on the trip north. A few small ones and some tribes roaming the snow fields here and there, but they shouldn’t cause us any problems. I think you could handle them well enough.” The fox would slowly frown. “The only one that will probably give us some the Rimewind tribe.” She sighed, voice turning troubled as she’d continue. “You’ve never been up there, but they’re, particular tribe of humans that worship an Elder Beast that calls themselves ‘Vechnyy Moroz’. These folks are zealous at best and fanatics at worst...but i’ve managed to work out a, shall we say, agreement. Their God has a particular fondness of an extremely pure Alcohol, so as long as I bring a few barrels of that we can pass. As long as you remain respectful to their God and don’t get in the way of their ceremonies we can pass unimpeded and are perfectly friendly otherwise.” Mie would swish her tail. “I’ll handle the talking with them. I hate to say it, but if we piss that thing off, we’ll end up in its trophy room. I mean that literally - it’ll freeze things alive and put them on display if it likes them. I’d like to keep my floofy tail unfrozen.” “That beast sounds like real work...ain’t never heard of an Elder Beast being worshipped as a god...but I guess people will do what they have to.” Eirhild chimed in. “What’s it look like anyways?” “Never seen it myself, but they describe it as ‘A giant winged, four legged creature made entirely of the purest ice that can freeze even flame.’. I don’t wanna test those claims or see it, either.” She’d humph. Mie would spend the next moments giving Malphas a rough crash course in Chagawa etiquette as well, so he could more easily play the part of a native. Honorifics, titles, a bit on the political situation, namely the constant clan warfare among the people as well as the most notable and prominent clans of Oni and Humans. If nothing else, he could probably pass on a surface level for any who was asking. “Now, if there’s nothing else...there’s something you can do for me. Enli asked for some alcohol, and I’d like you to deliver it for me. Just ask one of the Oni and they’ll give you a crate to take to him. I’ve made a rather special reservation for him. Once you return, I may have...something else I’ll need you to do for me.”