You awaken with hazy memories of violence and terror from when the world suddenly unravelled around you. Now you need to explore your surroundings, and secure food, water and safety. After that, who knows? Scavenge the remnants of a dead civilization for food, equipment, or, if you are lucky, a vehicle with a full tank of gas to get you the hell out of Dodge. Fight to defeat or escape from a wide variety of powerful monstrosities, from zombies to giant insects to killer robots and things far stranger and deadlier, and against the others like yourself, that want what you haveā€¦ The world's ending, the question is is your story ending with it? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well then it's been awhile let's see how things goes shall we? Alright for those of you who haven't played cdda here is the basic run down its a post apocalyptic rougelike survival. The actual game has a seemingly endless generated world for you to survive and and trust me you won't last long, you scavenge for resources fight monstrous enemies from the living dead, eldritch horrors, even beings from beyond the stars. Struggle to clear city's and rough it in the wild eventually build up and create a settlement. Our role-play will be in a smaller area (think state rather than world) with the possibility of expanding if we get more players. This story will be player driven with some guidance from me (mainly big encounters and discovering new areas). This post is to just get my idea down and everything as I get together the last of the info my next few posts will be cs layouts and world information