At the first table Naoki and his group stood at one side of the 12 hexagon table. With Gunpla in hand he places their Haro on the table, their flagship along with other extra gunpla in its storage compartment. The holographic screen above the table started the countdown as everyone entered the arena. Naoki looked down at his gunpla ready to go. [url=]The Fantastic GM[/url] was a customized GM with a variety of extra weaponry and I-field generators, making it perfect for ship defense. These along with its own secret weapon, he could counter variable range fighters easily. “Naoki Yukihiro. Become real, Fantastic GM!!!” [b][u]“Haro Fight!! Battleship Yamato, Launch!!”[/u][/b] “Tomiyoka here! Fantastic Zeta Lets Go!!” As everyone in team Imagine Victory begins to enter the arena, above the earths atmosphere, the group flocks to the Yamato to conserve energy, all entering the ship, as the group begins to head west. At 100 km out, Naoki signalled for the first team to move. “Chase team, this is our first battle as a group. Look out for each other, and don’t forget the mission. Remember, Imagine Victory!!!” And with that, the chase team began their pursuit of the train carrying the Tauros. The catapult launched Blade first, before Jun then Tomiyoka, as the later 2 linked up and charged forward towards their target. [hr] [@KenjuGuy][@Blade17] As the Chase team continues their pursuit of the Tauros, Tomiyoka begins to internally panic. What was he doing here? He was in no way ready for an actual tournament! He couldn’t even aim a blaster right! But Mr. Takemori had told him his flying was already top, and Mr. Naoki had been working with me on the Zeta and its defensive measures. ‘Remember, you don’t have to actually fight anybody in the round. As long as you are flying around and not getting shot down you’re doing a good job!’ Tomiyoka remembered Naoki's words of encouragement. Naoki had informed him that Jun and Blade, along with the other 2 fighters, were strong enough to take care of the mission and that he just needed to assist with whatever he can. Breaking out of his thoughts, as the group continued to fly over the now desert landscape the outline of a train comes into view. “Everybody! 10 Kilos ahead, the train!!!” He shouted to the other two over the intercom as they charged the train from above. On top of the train, 3 pilots controlling 3 gunpla stood, looking out at the group of 3 as they approached from the sky. The old man Kenjiro Noa piloted the Guntank as he starts to take aim at the enemies. “Hmph, All these robots confuse me to no end, but tank cannons haven’t changed since my days in the JSDF. It's time your grandpa showed what hes made of!!” The elderly man yelled. The Guntank jumped off the train and began driving towards the 3 pursuers, firing rounds into the air. His grandson Sojiro joined in on the war cry as he took control of his Guncannon, following his grandfather's lead as he also fires blasts into the air, unsheathing a beam saber in case the enemy swooped down. Hijiki, The older sister of Sojiro, watches as the two of them jump off the train. Piloting the Transformable MS Asshimar, she transforms immediately in order to counter the pursuers in the air, firing blasts as well. [hr] [@Double][@Shiyonichi] Minutes earlier with Naoki and the assault team, 50 Kilometers out, Haro begins to alert those in the assault group of an upcoming ship.[b][u] “Warning, Warning, Enemy Approaching!!!” [/u][/b]Haro yelled over the coms as Naoki and The Fantastic GM stood on the bridge of the Yamato, looking out at the enemy. “So, they decided to attack rather then wait for us.” Naoki wondered as he tried to gain a visual of them. As his long range camera got a view of the enemy, Naoki immediately registered the charged light of a large weapon. “HARU VEER RIGHT!!!!” He yelled as the Yamato did just that, a moment before a large beam weapon fired where they just were. The resulting shockwave causes the Yamato to become unsteady as the Fantastic GMs magnetic feet activate, keeping it secure. “IT’S AN ASPARAS!!!!! Riku, Kai, I need you two out here NOW.” He said as the Fantastic GM activated its twin I-Field Generator, covering the whole front of the ship with a plavsky barrier. At the other side of the field, the Asparas II, piloted by Nojiko the housewife, advanced and began to charge its second Mega Particle Cannon shot. Following the lead of 2 Zakus, 1 red and 1 green, that are advancing from ground level, Firing pot shots at the Yamato as they hide within the forests below. [hr] [@Renny][@Dezuel] At the other table with team Zenshin High, Seo couldn’t feel more confident in their situation. Once the team of 7 had dropped down on the testing facility, Seo had set to work telling everyone where to go. Each of the Zenshin fighters were stationed at each of the control towers, with Seo and his Alvaaron standing alone in the center of the 4. “You two, I want one of you to go north and the other to run south. I don’t care who goes which way. Just make as much noise as you can in order to draw out the enemy, understand?” He had told them, truly not really caring who went where. The important thing was that while the Mercs brought out enemies it would leave his boys the freedom to attack them from far away. He was paying good money so he wanted them to perform. He smiled as Hachiyama, Kobayashi, Tanaka and Komi stood stationed at the top of each control tower, a high powered GN sniper equipped to all 4 of them. Their defensive positioning was perfect, with himself in the center to provide help where needed. Past the southern forest, far out into the ocean, a group of 3 Pisces units begin to rise from the ocean as they begin to approach the land. The one in the middle, colored a distinct yellow compared to the other 2 standard blue units accompanying it. Hidden far north of the testing facility, a pair of 2 green Leos slowly inch their way forward, hidden amongst the trees as they focus their weapons forward in hopes of launching a surprise attack. Behind the 2 Leos hid 2 Virgos, one colored dark red and the other dark blue, as they follow the Leos lead.