Plot: In a year or 4060, The world has lived in endless peace and tranquility with all the supernatural world. Gods and Goddess, Monsters and Humans, and other religions have all live in harmony for the last few thousand years. But unfortunately, during the year of 4059, the new government became corrupted, evil, and all about themselves and not about those in their care. Only those that are wealthy could afford to live a high life. Everyone else unfortunately was either slaughtered, killed, or hunted by specialized teams of hunters that eradicated the entire 80% of the population. Now a call has been risen by a woman to demand the need for change and the demand that all life be treated with honesty and love of all. But the team must go through so many obstacles and so many problems that truly they stand almost no chance. Those that have wealth do not care and rarely bat an eye at the weak and lonely. Now the monsters, humans and all things that go bump in the night have risen up and demand change and a new civil war begins! THE REBELLION OF 4060! {FUTURISTIC APOCALYPTIC SUPERNATURAL ROLEPLAY} Character sheet outline {wait to be approved} Name: Age : Race: History: Personality : Powers: Picture :