About 10 hours into Monster Hunter: WORLD so far and it's been a really fun experience. Enjoying just rummaging around and smacking the hell out of giant monsters, though I am a bit pissed that one of my trap/tranq bomb combos ended up not working and I failed a capture due to lack of supplies afterwards. More my own fault for not being prepared, or I might've just straight up missed my bombs somehow, lmao. Overall it's super pretty game, and comfy to just stare at sometimes. Definitely interested in looking at future titles, maybe Rise if I decide to ever actually use my switch. [center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/hWxits33qqklWJmGoMjog4Kzi6bID6UD7abbNdvxrcI/%3Fformat%3Djpg%26name%3D900x900/https/pbs.twimg.com/media/E9Dn0t4VgAAdxN6[/img][/center]