[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210818/7b0c555c6e5eabb3978b7954c3795511.png[/img] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/l0HU96z13T1URVNRu/giphy.gif?cid=790b761161c741981f077321922e5fbba26b767f2421861c&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/dce786f3382c8fff9ec0d1403e49374e/a82314d946ff8a15-c1/s500x750/f495e83a5bd30fdc988a1ea1ab7a5e1cfbfc85e3.gifv[/img] [img]https://media.tenor.com/images/15b09736cacab937d51e8342b4f207fb/tenor.gif[/img] Location(s): Long Beach Loft, Goldman Homeroom, Torture Assembly, Freedom Festival Interactions: [color=ccffcc]Cassian Bishop[/color], [color=ff99cc]Alessandra Bishop[/color], [color=ffccff]Natasha Knight[/color][/center] [hr][hr] ... [color=ff99cc]"Cassie!!!"[/color]... [color=ff99cc]"Wake up!! We're gonna be late! I told you to set an alarm!"[/color] The sound of an annoying sister down in the kitchen could be heard all the way from Cassian's room. He was having a wonderful dream where he was taking on a villain, he thought solo, until his sister appeared at his side and yelled for him to wake up. He sighed with annoyance while slowly peeling his eyes open. The room was still dark except for a faint glow of a lava lamp in the corner. Cassian wrestled himself out of bed and made his way across the floor over to the light switch. He prepared his eyes for the incoming light and flipped the switch upwards. Light was fully restored to the room once more and Cassian turned around to look for the clothes that he had put out the night before. He knew he wanted to get as much sleep as he could before the final year of High School ruined that for him. After putting on his clothes he finished his normal morning routine and headed downstairs immediately confronted by the smell of bacon and a lot of other smells, but that one stuck out the most for him. He almost glided over the remaining steps before turning towards the kitchen to see Alessandra sitting at the table and Natasha finishing setting it up. [color=ccffcc]"Now I know why I decided it was a great idea for you two to stay the night."[/color] Alessandra raised her eyebrow in response. [color=ff99cc]"You decided? It was my idea. I knew you were going to be late, mom hates when I'm at the house alone, Nat's a way better cook than you, carpoo----"[/color] [color=ccffcc]"Okay, I got it."[/color] Cassian surrendered. [color=ccffcc]"Don't forget you also wanted to smoke."[/color] He sat down at the table and started reaching for the assorted breakfast laid out before them. [color=ffccff]"Speaking of... Here you go."[/color] Natasha reached over Cassian's shoulder and placed down a Russian Cream Backwood and a rather perfectly rolled bat of a joint next to it. Cassian's eyes lit up at the sight and turned his head to look at the benefactor for today's morning session. [color=ccffcc]"You know me so well. You're the best, Nat. But, sit. Help us scarf this down so we can get out of here."[/color] [hr] The trio finished breakfast and after stopping Alessandra from sneaking Alvin out of the loft they hotboxed Cass's car all the way to school. They managed to make it on time keeping Alessandra's perfect attendance in tact and they were all surprised to find out they'd be in the same homeroom this year. Cass was indifferent about it, but Ali was excited to be able to spend her brother's last year of high school with them. When they reached room 915 they greeted Miss Goldman each as they entered. [color=ccffcc]"Yo, Miss G."[/color] [color=ff99cc]"Good morning Ms. Goldman."[/color] [color=ffccff]"Buenos días, Sra. Goldman."[/color] Homeroom breezed by quickly and although Alessandra wanted to sit during the pledge Cassian urged her to stand up, at least for today. There would be time for social activism later. When it came time for the assembly it pained Cassian to be in that auditorium. So much so that he forced himself to continue his previously interrupted sleep right there on his sister and best friend's laps. Alessandra did the honors of smacking him awake when it was time for them to move onto the field. Finally, they were free. [color=ccffcc]"Sandra, since you'll be taking things over next year why don't you go handle things over at the Botany booth? I'm going to go chill at the Robotics booth for a bit and maybe hang out with the team."[/color] [color=ff99cc]"Fine, but you owe me. I wanted to sneak away and have fun too."[/color] She ran off towards where she knew they had set up the booth leaving the two alone to walk through the festival.