[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191013/df44722b061bb625e5574746180e33a4.png[/img][/center] [hr] She felt the gentle tap on her shoulder, turning her head towards the one trying to get her attention. Her playful grin dropped instantly, arms crossing as she looked at her brother with a displeased and pointed stare. Amelia was sure her face probably said exactly what she was thinking, showing how much trouble he was in but it practically screamed ‘thank you, captain obvious’ following his question since his grin faltered a bit and he went into hand signals to try and explain himself. She wanted to stay cross with him, really she did but it wasn’t like he didn’t have a valid reason and it seemed Jack had more trouble with things going wrong or items disappearing than she did so letting it slide was most likely for the best…..maybe save that payback for later when she needed it. After all, she was nice but not dumb enough to pass up a free offer when it could come in handy for a favor later. The Mystery Shack chores were looking pretty good to dump off but who knows? She decided to shrug it off without the need to reply, digging another bit from her sweet delicious breakfast. The mini reunion was a nice touch to the morning chaos but it seemed as though things were winding down as more people were starting to file out. The Shack appeared to be the party's next destination or at least for a bulk of those gathered, herself included. A few to be dropped off along the way or suddenly distracted by a better offer but it was by far a good start to the day. She didn’t envy Gar at the herd he might have to rein in if the group was anything to go by but it still made her smile. It didn’t take all that much time to polish off her breakfast as people continued to chat, finally making her way out with the rest after a while. She wasn’t really in too much of a rush to get back but was thankful that at least she wouldn’t have to walk back. She hopped onto the tail end so she could watch the road as they passed by as well as give more room in the actual golf cart for others to join them. She could easily snag another spot once they dropped off those that were going to the Inn instead of the Shack.