[center] [Img]https://i.imgur.com/vgaCXB9.png[/img] [Color=crimson][b]Time:[/b][/color] Morning [Color=crimson][b]Location:[/b][/color] Malthemoor, Daka Island [Color=crimson][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] [Color=crimson][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] [sub][color=crimson]88[/color][/sub] Myra [@13org] [Color=crimson][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] None [/center][hr] Vrexen returned Myra’s kind smile with narrowed eyes. He was used to such an expression being worn by creatures that were deeply sadistic, but Myra’s was a bit off. Soft and.. trusting? He decided to not dwell on it as nothing significant occurred after the gesture. Per his request, Myra made herself unseen once more and ventured through the city in search of their map. That left him to search for a second guide for this strange new world. He could have asked the advisor to supply one, but he wished to have one with loyalties not so close to the two-headed dragon of the dark. Allies in conflict were good, but manipulation wasn't barred in this relationship. As he walked through Malthemoor, almost back the same way he had traveled to the castle, Vrexen kept his head on a swivel, ruling out soldiers, guards, and children as well. As he entered what appeared to be Malthemoor’s busy market square filled with either dark or pale skinned elves, he noticed the many eyes staring back at him. Seven monstrous demons had traversed through the city just after Vrexen’s arrival, so many were wary of his presence. He stuck out amongst them and drew the attention of all who saw him. It had not been officially stated, but rumor was already beginning to spread within the city about a new alliance with the rare and mysterious demon race. [Color=darkturquoise]“Who to choose? I need a suitable guide.”[/color] He said aloud to himself as his eye focused on a male dark elf that appeared to be some sort of hunter or ranger. Fit, equipped, seemingly unaffiliated, and probably well traveled, but all Vrexen saw was an elf civilian that could take care of himself. [color=darkturquoise][i]Now, how to get him to be our guide? I could threaten to murder his family… Maybe after killing one first to prove I am serious… What would be the best method? Claws… Teeth… If I choose a child, a few bites would suffice… Or maybe…[/i][/color] [color=plum]“A suitable guide?”[/color] A [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/8e/e0/b7/8ee0b7d92abacfbb30cb3ce138e31da9.jpg]dark elven woman[/url] spoke from beside Vrexen with a vampish grin on her face. She was successful in breaking Vrexen’s concentration on the other elf he had mentally chosen as he shifted his three-eyed gaze towards her. As intimidating as he thought he was, her demeanor didn’t shift. She actually rolled her eyes at him [color=plum]“Do you need a guide or not? Because that guy over there.[/color] She pointed at the elf Vrexen was studying. [color=plum]Yeah, [i]him[/i]. He’s never even been outside the cave. He wears all that equipment to look… [i]dangerous[/i] I assume. So. Do. You. Need. A. Guide?”[/color] Vrexen narrowed his eyes at the insulting nature of this woman. [color=Darkturquoise]“Yes… I need a guide. My subject and I. To leave this place.”[/color] He was tempted for only a brief moment to stab his claws deep into the side of her throat. [color=plum]“Perfect! Now we’re making progress. By the way, my name’s Astra, and I am happy to be of service. All I require is a small fee of… [i]protection[/i].”[/color] [color=darkturquoise]“Protection. Perfect. I, Vrexen will not tear off your limbs and feed them to the lowliest of bottomfeeders, if you choose to guide me. There. Protection from me.”[/color] [color=plum]“For fucksake…”[/color] Astra turned her head away and scrunched up her face. [color=plum][i]What in the two moons did I get myself into. Gods fuck this situation is shit… At least his wanting me dead has some simple conditions. I’ll just guide him into a beast’s nest once I’m through with him.[/i][/color] She turned back to face Vrexen with a warm smile. [color=plum]“I guess we have a deal. Guidance for protection… from you and anyone else!”[/color] [Color=darkturquoise]“I am acquiring a map from my subject and will meet her at the gates of this settlement. Make any preparations you need to and meet us there… and I do have your scent.”[/color] [color=plum]“I’m sure it’s pleasant, Mister Vrexen. See you in a bit.”[/color] And with that, Vrexen made his way to Malthemoor’s gates to patiently await Myra.