Having seen and experienced Covid in our elderly home up close twice I know your thoughts might not be to writing right now. Be assured I can wait. Focus on your family friend, stay safe yourselves. Most of my family already have had their vaccinations with in our case a wide range of variety: I and my Mother have Pfizer due to availability and me working in healthcare and my work offered us the opportunity to get the first wave of shots. My sister in law has had one shot Astra Zenica and one Moderna (before the news came up that the Astra Z gave some complications to those under the age of 50/60 and she herself was too late for the first rounds of vaccinations) my Dad had Astra Zenica (He got his jab from the local MP/Village Doctor. My husband (Pfizer) and Brother received theirs (second jab) last month. We live quite rural, with a lot of the folks already having had it during the first and second wave or already having had their shots, but if it comes it comes... we'll have to see how to deal with it then. Maybe a too personal a question but did he /she turn critical quickly? Stay safe and again take care of your loved ones and family first, I can wait.